- 과제 : 한국의 nanotech 순위(2015, 2016)
- 김양원 (2017/09/12)추천1 조회수368
1. 10 Best Countries in Nanotechnology
: nanotechnology 분야에서의 Top10 countries(2015)
10. India
9. Taiwan
8. United Kingdom
7. Russia
6. France
5. South Korea
Total nanotechnology spending: $400,000,000
Rank based on spending: 7
Number of papers published: 1461
Rank based on papers published: 5
-상위 랭크된 다른 국가들과 비교하여 강력한 힘이나 부를 보유하고 있지는 않지만 스스로 nanotech field 분야를 개척한 것으로 분석하고 있다.
4. Germany
3. Japan
2. China
1. United States of America
출처 : http://www.insidermonkey.com/blog/10-best-countries-in-nanotechnology-370714/
2. Ranking of Countries in Nanotechnology Publications in 2016
: nanotechnology publication을 기준으로 한 국가 순위(2016)
-publication of articles : 4th
-share of articles : 6th출처 : http://statnano.com/news/57105