Process Control (CHBE507)
담당교수 양대륙 양대륙
강의개요 This course teaches discrete-time process control based on the knowledge of undergraduate process control. The subjects of this course includes computer controlled systems, sampling theorem, aliasing, Ztransform, difference equations; digital-oriented mathematical process model (pulse transfer function representation), state-space representation, digital controller design, Multi-variable control and etc.
교과서 Seborg D.E., T.F. Edgar, and D.A. Mellichamp, F.J. Doyle, Process Dynamics and Control, 3rd Ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, NY (2011)
참고서 Ogata K., Discrete-Time Control Systems, Prentice Hall, 1994.
  • Syllabus
  • Lecture Note (New notes: Lecture II - IV, Lecture III will be covered before II.)
  • Java Applets
  • Homework: Solve the midterm Problems again. Due Due date : Nov. 5
번호 제목 이름 작성일 조회수
11 lll-5 Impulse response model에서 박철주 2009/11/06 1817
10 중간고사 풀이 숙제 (11/3까지) 양대륙 2009/10/28 1702
9 질문입니다[1] 박철주 2009/10/17 1719
8 여기부터 2009년 강의 게시판 시작 양대륙 2009/08/31 2017
7 중간고사 장소 장지웅 2007/04/17 2028