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* NA : Not Available (No data found)
Component Names and Formula
ID 1964
CAS No. 7704-34-9
Formula S
3D View
Basic Properties
Molecular Wt. (WT) 3.20600E+01
Normal Boiling Point Temp. (TB) 7.17750E+02 K  units
Freezing Point Temp. (TF) 3.88360E+02 K  units
Triple Point Temp. (TT) 3.88330E+02 K  units
Triple Point Press. (PT) NA
Critical Temperature. (TC) 1.31400E+03 K  units
Critical Pressure (PC) 2.07000E+04 kPa  units
Critical Volume (VC) NA
Critical Compressibility (ZC) NA
Accentric Factor (ACCF) 1.71000E-01
Temperature Dependent Properties
Vapor Pressure Coeff.s Available  coefficients
Heat Capacity (Ideal Gas) NA
Heat Capacity (Liquid) NA
Viscosity (Gas, Low P) NA
Viscosity (Liquid) NA
Themal Conductivity (Gas, Low P) NA
Themal Conductivity (Liquid) NA
Surface Tension NA
Liquid Properties
Partial Molar Volume (VOLP) NA
Solubility Parameters (SOLP) 5.118616E+04 (J/cm^3)^0.5  units
SRK accentric factor (WSRK) NA
COSTALD Characteristic Volume (VSTAR) NA
Rackett parameter (ZRA) NA
Aniline Point (ANP) NA
Enthalpy Data
H(formation,ideal gas)at 25 C 2.792000E+05 kJ/kg-mol  units
G(formation,ideal gas) at 25 C 2.386000E+05 kJ/kg-mol  units
Heat of Combustion, Gross form (HCB1) NA
Heat of Combustion, Net form (HCB2) NA
Molecular Properties
Van der Waals Volume (VDWV) NA
Van der Waals Area (VDWA) NA
UNIQUAC Ri Parameter (RI) NA
UNIQUAC Qi Parameter (QI) NA
Dipole Moment (DM) NA
Radius of Gyration (GYRAD) NA
Single Temperature Properties
Liquid Density (DENL) NA
Temperature of DENL (TDENL) NA
Heat of Vaporizaiton (HVAP) NA
Temperature of HVAP (THVAP) NA
Surface Tension (SRF) NA
Temperature of SRF (TSRF) NA
Dielectric Constant (DIEL) NA
Temperature of DIEL (TDIEL) NA
Refractive Index (RFI) NA
Temperature of RFI (TRFI) NA
Hazardous Data
Lower Flammability Limit(FLL) NA
Upper Flammability Limit(FLU) NA
Flash Point (Open Cup Method) NA
Flash Point (Closed Cup Method) NA
Autoignition Temperature (AIGT) NA
NFPA Rating (Health)  
NFPA Rating (Fire)  
NFPA Rating (Safety)