
안호근 공저 논문

No. Article
1 활성탄 담지 Co-B/C, Co-P-B/C 촉매를 이용한 NaBH4 가수분해 반응
오소형, 김유겸, 배효준, 김동호, 변영환, 안호근, 박권필
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 56(5), 641, 2018
2 KOH/La2O3 촉매상에서 Styrenated Phenol과 Ethylene Carbonate의 반응으로부터 Styrenated Phenol Alkoxylate의 합성
이승민, 손석환, 정성훈, 곽원봉, 신은주, 안호근, 정민철
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(1), 62, 2018
3 비담지 Co-B, Co-P-B 촉매를 이용한 NaBH4 가수분해 반응
오성준, 정현승, 정재진, 나일채, 안호근, 박권필
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 53(1), 11, 2015
4 A study on utilization of stainless steel wire cloth as a catalyst support
Kim KJ, Ahn HG
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(2), 668, 2012
5 일산화탄소 저온 산화에서 금속산화물에 담지된 금촉매의 활성에 미치는 수분첨가의 영향
안호근, 김기중, 정민철
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(6), 720, 2011
6 A study on the recovery of actinide elements from molten LiCl.KCl eutectic salt by an electrochemical separation
Kwona SW, Ahn DH, Kim EH, Ahn HG
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 86, 2009
7 Preparation and characterization of the bimetallic Pt.Au/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts: Influence of Pt.Au molar ratio on the catalytic activity for toluene oxidation
Kim KJ, Boo SI, Ahn HG
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 92, 2009
8 PEMFC에서 전극의 CO 내성 및 막 내구성에 미치는 Ru/C 촉매의 영향
심우종, 김동환, 최서희, 김기중, 안호근, 정민철, 박권필
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(2), 286, 2008
9 절연물질이 코팅된 활성탄의 벤젠 흡착특성 및 마이크로파에 의한 탈착에 관한 연구
김기중, 안호근
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(4), 445, 2008
10 Electrolysis of Actinide Chloride Using a Solid Cathode Surrounded by a Ceramic Container
Kwon SW, Shim JB, Kim EH, Ahn HG
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(5), 802, 2006
11 Fluorination of Metals and Metal Oxides by Gas-Solid Reaction
Kwon SW, Kim EH, Ahn BG, Yoo JH, Ahn HG
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 8(5), 477, 2002
12 산화물에 담지된 금 나노입자에 의한 1,3-부타디엔의 수소화
안호근, Niiyama H
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(8), 920, 2001
13 고분산 담지 금 촉매의 메탄올과 포름알데히드 산화반응 특성
안호근, 박동아, 정상철, 정민철, 김병훈
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(5), 529, 2000