백승욱 공저 논문
No. | Article |
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Copper Nitrate와 Copper Carbonate를 촉매로 이용한 Indole의 N-Arylation 연구 이준영, 양민호, 백승욱 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(6), 629, 2008 |
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Propylene Oxide를 이용한 졸-겔법에 의한 MO.Fe12O18 (M/Ba, Sr) 나노 분말의 합성과 물리적 특성 이수진, 최석범, 곽형섭, 백승욱 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(4), 420, 2006 |
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A Symbiotic Bacterium Photorhabdus luminescence as a Rich Source of Cinnamic acid and Its Analogue Paik S, Kim GH, Park JS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(3), 475, 2005 |
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리튬이차전지용 AgxCuyV2O5 Xerogel의 전기화학적 특성 박희구, 김용우, 이만호, 백승욱 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(4), 481, 2003 |