
윤인섭 공저 논문

No. Article
1 잠재적 폭발 위험성을 고려한 단단 혼합냉매 LNG 공정의 설계 변수 최적화
김익현, 단승규, 조성현, 이기백, 윤인섭
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(4), 467, 2014
2 화학공정 산업에서의 지속가능성과 공정시스템 공학
장남진, 단승규, 신동일, 이기백, 윤인섭
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(2), 221, 2013
3 Cost of energy analysis of integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) power plant with respect to CO2 capture ratio under climate change scenarios
Park K, Shin D, Lee G, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(9), 1129, 2012
4 Development of chemical accident database: Considerations, accident trend analysis and suggestions
Jang N, Koo J, Shin D, Jo MS, Yoon Y, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(1), 36, 2012
5 Safety distance analysis of dimethylether filling stations using a modified individual risk assessment method
Kim YH, So W, Shin D, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(6), 1322, 2011
6 Dynamic simulation and optimization of the operation of boil-off gas compressors in a liquefied natural gas gasification plant
Jang N, Shin MW, Choi SH, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(5), 1166, 2011
7 Optimal multi-floor plant layout with consideration of safety distance based on mathematical programming and modified consequence analysis
Park K, Koo J, Shin D, Lee CJ, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(4), 1009, 2011
8 Optimal layout of additional facilities for minimization of domino effects based on worst-case scenarios
So W, Kim YH, Lee CJ, Shin D, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(3), 656, 2011
9 Gasholder level control based on time-series analysis and process heuristics
Jeong C, Chu YH, Han C, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(1), 16, 2011
10 Dimethyl Ether(DME) 합성을 위한 파일럿 규모의 고정층 반응기의 모델링과 모사를 통한 향류 냉각방식과 포화액체 풀비등 방식의 비교
송대성, 고재욱, 윤인섭
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(4), 446, 2009
11 A systematic approach towards accident analysis and prevention
Koo J, Kim S, Kim H, Kim YH, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(6), 1476, 2009
12 A new estimation algorithm of physical properties based on a group contribution and support vector machine
Lee CJ, Lee G, So W, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(3), 568, 2008
13 Multi-way principal component analysis for the endpoint detection of the metal etch process using the whole optical emission spectra
Han K, Park KJ, Chae H, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(1), 13, 2008
14 Optimal operation of the boil-off gas compression process using a boil-off rate model for LNG storage tanks
Shin MW, Shin D, Choi SH, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(1), 7, 2008
15 다축-다변량회귀분석 기법을 이용한 회분식 공정의 이상감지 및 통계적 제어 방법
우경섭, 이창준, 한경훈, 고재욱, 윤인섭
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(1), 32, 2007
16 Comparison of the Performance of a Fixed Bed Reactor in the Two Cases, Mixture of Catalyst Pellets and a Hybrid Catalyst, for Dimetyl Ether Synthesis
Song D, Cho W, Park DK, Yoon ES
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(5), 815, 2007
17 Simulation of fixed bed reactor for dimethyl ether synthesis
Lee SB, Cho W, Park DK, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(4), 522, 2006
18 Optimization for Allocating the Explosive Facilities in Order to Minimize the Domino Effect Using Nonlinear Programming
Lee JY, Lee JW, Ko J, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(5), 649, 2005
19 An Automatic Synthesis System for Start-Up Operating Procedures of Boiler Plants
Lee SG, Han SI, Byun YS, Hwang KS, Kim YH, Shin D, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(4), 503, 2005
20 Support Vector Machine을 이용한 화학공정 모니터링에 관한 연구
이창준, 송상옥, 윤인섭
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(5), 538, 2004
21 Weighted Support Vector Machine for Quality Estimation in Polymerization Processes
Lee DE, Song SO, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(6), 1103, 2004
22 전산유체역학 기법을 이용한 촉매 멤브레인 반응기 해석
박정수, 서정철, 신동일, 윤인섭
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 41(6), 700, 2003
23 Risk Analysis Using Automatically Synthesized Robust Accident Scenarios and Consequence Assessment for Chemical Processes: Process Partition and Consequence Analysis Approach
Kim KH, Shin D, Yoon ES
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(6), 992, 2003
24 응집과 파괴현상을 고려한 결정화공정의 동적모사법 연구
이기백, 윤인섭
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(2), 179, 2002