이상협 공저 논문
No. | Article |
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Synthesis of Amphiphilic Star Block Copolymer with Photosensitive Core by ATRP Baek KY, Lee SH, Hwang SS Macromolecular Research, 19(5), 461, 2011 |
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Identification of dominant microbial community in aerophilic biofilm reactors by fluorescence in situ hybridization and PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis Kim YG, Lee TH, Park TJ, Park HS, Lee SH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(3), 685, 2009 |
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이중용매에서 제조된 나노영가철을 이용한 질산성질소의 환원반응성 평가 박희수, 박용민, 오수경, 이성재, 최용수, 이상협 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(5), 1008, 2008 |
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Zirconium mesostructures immobilized in calcium alginate for phosphate removal Yeon KH, Park H, Lee SH, Park YM, Lee SH, Iwamoto M Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), 1040, 2008 |
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Reduction of N2O Emission from Biological Nitrogen Removal Processes by Alcaligenes faecalis Augmentation Park KY, Kim SJ, Jung JY, Lee SH Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(4), 508, 2007 |