김진환 공저 논문
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Adsorption and energetic heterogeneity properties of cesium ions on ion exchange resin Kim TY, An SS, Shim WG, Lee JW, Cho SY, Kim JH Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27, 260, 2015 |
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플라즈마 원자층 증착 방법을 이용한 N-doped ZnO 나노박막의 구조적·광학적·전기적 특성 김진환, 양완연, 한윤봉 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(3), 357, 2011 |
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Recycling of excess sludge using titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) as a flocculant aid with alkaline-thermal hydrolysis Na SH, Shon HK, Kim JB, Park HJ, Cho DL, El Saliby I, Kim JH Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(1), 96, 2010 |
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Preparation of titanium oxide, iron oxide, and aluminium oxide from sludge generated from Ti-salt, Fe-salt and Al-salt flocculation of wastewater Shon HK, Vigneswaran S, Kandasamy J, Kim JB, Park HJ, Choi SW, Kim JH Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(5), 719, 2009 |
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Development of a novel method to prepare Fe- and Al-doped TiO2 from wastewater Shon HK, Cho DL, Na SH, Kim JB, Park HJ, Kim JH Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(4), 476, 2009 |
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Growth mechanism and characterization of rose-like microspheres and hexagonal microdisks of ZnO grown by surfactant-free solution method Ahsanulhaq Q, Kim JH, Reddy NK, Hahn YB Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(5), 578, 2008 |
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Polyaniline/Polyimide 혼합막의 기체 분리 특성 이기섭, 김진환 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(5), 483, 2007 |
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6FDA-DDBT/DABA 공중합 폴리이미드막에 의한 벤젠/싸이클로헥산 혼합액의 분리 김종환, 이형록, 김진환 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(2), 237, 2004 |
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Effect of Residual Water on the Adsorption of Ethylene Dichloride onto Pellet-Type Activated Carbon Kim TY, Jeng SJ, Kim SJ, Kim JH, Cho SY Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(4), 531, 2004 |
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활성탄에 의한 사염화탄소 흡착공정에서 잔존수분의 영향 정성준, 이대로, 김태영, 김진환, 김승재, 조성용 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(6), 694, 2002 |
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폴리실록산-이미드 공중합체의 기체 투과 특성 김영현, 김선일, 김진환 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(3), 262, 2002 |
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Simultaneous Removal and Recovery of Cadmium and Cyanide Ions in Synthetic Wastewater by Ion Exchange Kim SJ, Lim KH, Park YG, Kim JH, Cho SY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(5), 686, 2001 |
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부상 공정과 막분리를 이용한 염색 폐수의 색 제거 김선일, 노성희, 나재운, 조성동, 김진환 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(6), 688, 2001 |
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Preparation and Gas Separation Properties of Asymmetric Polysulfone Membranes by a Dual Bath Method Lee WJ, Kim DS, Kim JH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(2), 143, 2000 |