김승욱 공저 논문
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Improvement of power generation of enzyme fuel cell by novel GO/Co/chitosan electrodeposition Kim DS, Choi HS, Yang X, Yang JH, Lee JH, Yoo HY, Lee JY, Park CH, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 81, 108, 2020 |
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Effect of gel electrolytes on the performance of a minimized flexible micro-supercapacitor based on graphene/PEDOT composite using pen lithography Lee HU, Jin JH, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 71, 184, 2019 |
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Continuous production of bioethanol using microalgal sugars extracted from Nannochloropsis gaditana Lee JH, Lee HU, Lee JH, Lee SK, Yoo HY, Park CH, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 36(1), 71, 2019 |
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Improvement of sugar recovery from Sida acuta (Thailand Weed) by NaOH pretreatment and application to bioethanol production Siripong P, Doungporn P, Yoo HY, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(12), 2413, 2018 |
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Efficient simultaneous production of biodiesel and glycerol carbonate via statistical optimization Lee YR, Lee JH, Yang HJ, Jang M, Kim JR, Byun EH, Lee JW, Na JG, Kim SW, Park CW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 51, 49, 2017 |
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Enhanced Production of Cellulase-Free Thermoactive Xylanase Using Corncob by a Black Yeast, Aureobasidium pullulans CBS 135684 Bankeeree W, Lotrakul P, Prasongsuk S, Kim SW, Punnapayak H Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 54(6), 822, 2016 |
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Production and characterization of cellobiose dehydrogenase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium KCCM 60256 and its application for an enzymatic fuel cell Choi HS, Kim DS, Thapa LP, Lee SJ, Kim SB, Cho J, Park C, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33(12), 3434, 2016 |
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Furfural production from hydrolysate of barley straw after dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment Kim SB, Lee JH, Yang X, Lee J, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32(11), 2280, 2015 |
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Optimization of medium composition for enhanced cellulase production by mutant Penicillium brasilianum KUEB15 using statistical method Jung DU, Yoo HY, Kim SB, Lee JH, Park C, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 25, 145, 2015 |
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젖당(Lactose)으로부터 락툴로오스(Lactulose) 생산을 위한 연구 동향 이자현, 유하영, 정다운, 박찬호, 송윤석, 박철환, 김승욱 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(4), 407, 2014 |
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Kinetic modeling of biodiesel production by mixed immobilized and co-immobilized lipase systems under two pressure conditions Lee JH, Kim SB, Yoo HY, Lee JH, Park C, Han SO, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(6), 1272, 2013 |
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Co-immobilization of Candida rugosa and Rhyzopus oryzae lipases and biodiesel production Lee JH, Kim SB, Yoo HY, Lee JH, Han SO, Park C, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(6), 1335, 2013 |
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Lipase from Penicillium camembertii KCCM 11268: Optimization of solid state fermentation and application to biodiesel production Malilas W, Kang SW, Kim SB, Yoo HY, Chulalaksananukul W, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(2), 405, 2013 |
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Improvement of lactulose synthesis through optimization of reaction conditions with immobilized β-galactosidase Song YS, Suh YJ, Park C, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(1), 160, 2013 |
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Production of cellulases and β-glucosidase in Trichoderma reesei mutated by proton beam irradiation Jung YR, Shin HY, Yoo HY, Um Y, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(7), 925, 2012 |
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Fractionation of barley straw with dilute sulfuric acid for improving hemicellulose recovery Won KY, Um BH, Kim SW, Oh KK Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(5), 614, 2012 |
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Enhanced production of cellobiose dehydrogenase and β-glucosidase by Phanerochaete chrysosporium Kim EJ, Choi HS, Kang SW, Song KH, Han SO, Park C, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(1), 77, 2012 |
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Enhancement of immobilized enzyme activity by pretreatment of β-glucosidase with cellobiose and glucose Jung YR, Shin HY, Song YS, Kim SB, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(2), 702, 2012 |
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Sugar recovery from rice straw by dilute acid pretreatment Kim SB, Lee SJ, Jang EJ, Han SO, Park C, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(1), 183, 2012 |
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Crude Canola Oil의 효소 탈검과 수용성 탈검에 관한 연구 장명귀, 김덕근, 박순철, 이진석, 김승욱 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(4), 480, 2011 |
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Phanerochaete chrysosporium 변이주에서의 Cellobiose Dehydrogenase(CDH)와 β-Glucosidase 활성 향상 김은지, 강성우, 송광호, 한성옥, 김재진, 김승욱 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(1), 101, 2011 |
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Enhancement of glucose isomerase activity by pretreatment with substrates prior to immobilization Song YS, Kim JE, Park C, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(4), 1096, 2011 |
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Improvement of cephalosporin C production by Acremonium chrysogenum M35 in submerged culture with glass beads or silicone rubber Lee HH, Song YS, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(2), 570, 2010 |
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Rheological properties of culture broth of Acremonium chrysogenum M35 in baffled flasks with glass beads Lee HH, Song YS, Lee JY, Jung HW, Kim SW Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 22(1), 51, 2010 |
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Optimization of cell conditions for enzymatic fuel cell using statistical analysis Jeon SW, Lee JY, Lee JH, Kang SW, Park CH, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(3), 338, 2008 |
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Stability of Immobilized Lipase on Poly(vinyl alcohol) Microspheres Oh JM, Lee DH, Song YS, Lee SG, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(3), 429, 2007 |
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High Cell Density Fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae JUL3 in Fed-batch Culture for the Production of β-Glucan Kim YH, Kang SW, Lee JH, Chang HI, Yun CW, Paik HD, Kang CW, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(1), 153, 2007 |
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Lipase Immobilization on Silica Gel Using a Cross-linking Method Lee DH, Park CH, Yeo JM, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(5), 777, 2006 |
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Morphological Characteristics of Cordyceps sinensis 16 and Production of Mycelia and Exo-biopolymer from Molasses in Submerged Culture Cha SH, Kim JC, Lim JS, Yoon CS, Koh JH, Chang HI, Kim SW Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(1), 115, 2006 |
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Relationship between morphology and viscosity of the main culture broth of Cephalosporium acremonium M25 Kim JC, Lim JS, Kim JM, Kim C, Kim SW Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 17(1), 15, 2005 |
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C5혼합물에서 π-착합체 형성에 의한 이소프렌 화합물의 분리 손승준, 최대기, 김훈식, 김성현, 김승욱, 황운성 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 42(4), 420, 2004 |
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Immobilization of GL-7-ACA Acylase for the Production of 7-ACA Lee SK, Park SW, Kim YI, Chung KH, Hong SI, Kim SW Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(2), 261, 2002 |
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Morphological and rheological properties of culture broth of Cephalosporium acremonium M25 Lim JS, Kim JH, Kim C, Kim SW Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 14(1), 11, 2002 |