
정일현 공저 논문

No. Article
1 VLS 합성법을 이용한 ZnO 나노구조의 특성
최유리, 정일현
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(6), 617, 2009
2 PECVD에 의한 비정질 탄소층 증착
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(3), 322, 2008
3 플라즈마 증착 반응기에서 유체흐름과 상온에서 증착된 티타늄 산화막 특성
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(5), 438, 2007
4 노즐 형태 HCP RT-MOCVD에 의해 증착된 티타늄 산화막 특성
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(2), 194, 2006
5 Biological Responses of Osteoblastic HOS Cells to Titanium- and Calcium Phosphate-Coated Films
Mo MJ, Kim SU, Shin HY, Im DS, Jung IH, Ko JS, Lee WK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(4), 507, 2005
6 Characterization of Low-Crystalline Calcium Phosphate Thin Films Formed on Silica Glass Surface
Mo MJ, Shin HY, Jung IH, Ko JS, McGuire J, Lee WK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(2), 261, 2005
7 페로센으로부터 증착된 Fe-C:H 막에 대한 밴드갭 분석
김경수, 정일현
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(1), 70, 2004
8 The Removal of the Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) Using the Technology of Plasma Treatment
Kim KS, Jung IH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(3), 314, 2003
9 나노결정 구조 티타니아의 Raman 분광 분석과 밴드갭
김경수, 정일현
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(8), 1081, 2003
10 나노 결정 구조의 티타니아 분말 승화 합성
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(4), 470, 2003
11 Correlation between Band-gap and the Number of Defects in Titanium Silicide Thin Film
Mo M, Jung I
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 8(5), 437, 2002
12 Growth Inhibition of Freshwater Algae by Ester Compounds Released from Rotted Plants
Choe S, Jung IH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 8(4), 297, 2002
13 티타늄 실리사이드 감지소자의 결함에 의한 Band-gap의 제어
윤용수, 정일현
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(8), 754, 2002
14 전기투석장치의 니켈 도금 폐수처리를 위한 불균질 이온교환막의 제조
김경수, 김석환, 정일현
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(5), 560, 2001
15 The Permeability Characteristics of Non-Porus Membrane by C7H3F3/SiH4 Plasma Polymeric Membrane
Kim KS, Jung IH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(2), 149, 2000
16 Interfacial Tension Kinetics of Nisin and β-Casein at an Oil-Water Interface
Lee WK, Bani-Jaber A, McGuire J, Daeschel MA, Jung IH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(2), 179, 2000
17 Preparation of CHF3 Phasma Polymeric Composite Membrane and Characteristics of Surface Modification
Kim KS, Jeon BJ, Jung IH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(1), 33, 2000
18 Silicone Rubber Membrane Preparation by Supercritical Fluid Extraction Method
Lee SB, Kim HJ, Jung IH, Hong IK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 1(1), 83, 1995