연구자 : 김인원 (건국대학교)
No. Article
1 Case study of surge avoidance design for centrifugal compressor systems during emergency shut-down (ESD)
Pak SJ, Yoon JW, Kim S, Salim F, Lee J, Kim IW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33(3), 764, 2016
2 국내산 계면활성제를 이용한 오일회수증진용 알칼리-계면활성제-폴리머용액의 제조 및 특성평가
이상헌, 김상겸, 박지윤, 이도균, 황순철, 배위섭, 김인원, 이영우
Clean Technology, 19(4), 481, 2013
3 Analysis and prediction of indoor air pollutants in a subway station using a new key variable selection method
Lim JJ, Kim YS, Oh TS, Kim MJ, Kang OY, Kim JT, Kim IW, Kim JC, Jeon JS, Yoo CK
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(8), 994, 2012
4 PVDF 중공사막 제조 및 벤치규모 기-액 접촉기를 이용한 SO2 흡수특성
박현희, 조항대, 김인원, 이형근
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(3), 521, 2008
5 A statistically robust Wilson-plot methodology for calculating membrane mass transfer coefficients
Kim IW, Song HO, Haw JR, Song KH, Lee HK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(5), 584, 2008
6 SO2 제거를 위한 중공사막 기-액 접촉기의 모사 및 분리막 물질 전달 계수 추정
김용국, 송희열, 이형근, 김인원
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(1), 81, 2007
7 발효에 의한 에탄올 생산공정의 전 과정 평가
정연수, 황일훈, 김인원, 문일, 여영구
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44(3), 319, 2006
8 Optimal Operation of Utility Systems in Petrochemical Plants
Yeo YK, Roh HD, Kim IW, Moon I, Chung Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(2), 200, 2003
9 Analysis of Catalytic Reaction Systems under Microwaves to Save Energy
Yeo YK, Kim HY, Kim IW, Moon I, Chung Y, Levdansky VV
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(1), 1, 2003
10 An Influence of the Inert Gas on the Operation and Design of a Multi-tubular Reactor
Han SE, Choe J, Song KH, Kim IW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(3), 301, 2003
11 배연탈황공정에서 국내산 석회석의 물리화학적 특성이 용해속도에 미치는 영향
최원길, 조항대, 김인원, 이형근
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(3), 404, 2002
12 Operating Strategies and Optimum Feed Tray Locations of the Fractionation Unit of BTX Plants for Energy Conservation
Lee JC, Yeo YK, Song KH, Kim IW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(4), 428, 2001
13 습식 배연탈황공정에서 DBA 부산물의 영향
이형근, 조항대, 김인원
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(6), 763, 2001
14 Effect of Initial Droplet Size Distribution on Sulfur Removal Efficiency in FGD/SDA
Oh EK, Jung GH, Kim SG, Lee HK, Kim IW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 16(3), 292, 1999