연구자 : 이우걸 (단국대학교)
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Mineral Oil을 활용한 다공성 키토산 지지체의 물리적 특성 조절에 관한 연구 김주승, 정은진, 김지혜, 이우걸 Polymer(Korea), 41(5), 777, 2017 |
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Surface modification of coralline scaffold for the improvement of biocompatibility and bioactivity of osteoblast Yoo YW, Park GJ, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 33, 33, 2016 |
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Alendronate-calcium phosphate hybrid films promoted the osteoblast differentiation and inhibited osteoclastogenic activity Yang WK, Chang EJ, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 27, 391, 2015 |
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Calcium phosphate-mediated surface modification of titanium oxide and its effects on surface potential and fibrinogen adsorption Lee JA, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(5), 1448, 2013 |
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Effect of surface morphology of calcium phosphate on osteoblast-like HOS cell responses Lee WK, Lee SM, Kim HM Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(5), 677, 2009 |
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나트륨염에 의한 비양론적 인회석의 특성 및 SaOS-2 세포반응에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 정재영, 한주연, 최선미, 이우걸 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(3), 326, 2008 |
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마그네슘 존재 하에 형성된 칼슘포스페이트 박막의 물리화학적 특성과 세포증식에 미치는 영향 신현영, 이우걸 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(3), 262, 2007 |
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XPS Analysis on Chemical Properties of Calcium Phosphate Thin Films and Osteoblastic HOS Cell Responses Shin HY, Jung JY, Kim SW, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(3), 476, 2006 |
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Effect of BSA Substitution into Calcium Phosphate on the Surface-mediated Responses of Bone-Forming Cells Lee WK, Im SM Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(6), 932, 2006 |
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Characterization of Low-Crystalline Calcium Phosphate Thin Films Formed on Silica Glass Surface Mo MJ, Shin HY, Jung IH, Ko JS, McGuire J, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(2), 261, 2005 |
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Biological Responses of Osteoblastic HOS Cells to Titanium- and Calcium Phosphate-Coated Films Mo MJ, Kim SU, Shin HY, Im DS, Jung IH, Ko JS, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(4), 507, 2005 |
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천연 고분자-칼슘 포스페이트 복합 박막 제조 김가은, 모만진, 이우걸 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(1), 112, 2005 |
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생체적합성 및 골전도성 향상을 위한 경조직 대체용 생체재료의 표면개질 김성욱, 이우걸 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(6), 725, 2005 |
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Quantitative Characterization of the Effects of Concentration and Structural Stability on T4 Lysozyme Adsorption Mo MJ, Lee WK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(5), 752, 2004 |