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이중 가교로 제조한 보호필름용 무용제 UV 경화형 점착제 장동규, 이배화, 류성호, 이강영, 박동협, 윤근병 Polymer(Korea), 46(3), 348, 2022 |
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Luminous polyimide bearing the coumarin 6 chromophore in the side group: Synthesis and fluorescence image patterning Park BS, Kim WY, Yoon KB Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(1), 172, 2014 |
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디페닐렌비닐렌 치환기를 가진 카바졸계 청색발광 공중합체 합성 김우연, 윤근병 Polymer(Korea), 37(6), 736, 2013 |
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Preparation of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene with MgCl2/TiCl4 Catalyst: Effect of Hydrogen and Cocatalyst on Molecular Weight and Molecular Weight Distribution Zhang HX, Shin YJ, Lee DH, Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 20(1), 112, 2012 |
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토너 바인더용 분지화된 탄성 폴리에스테르 공중합체의 합성: 분지제의 영향 노형진, 임종관, 이동호, 윤근병 Polymer(Korea), 36(4), 440, 2012 |
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Control of Molecular Weight Distribution for Polypropylene Obtained by Commercial Ziegler-Natta Catalyst: Effect of Electron Donor Zhang HX, Lee YJ, Park JR, Lee DH, Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 19(6), 622, 2011 |
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카바졸 치환체를 가지는 신디오탁틱 폴리스티렌의 분자내/분자간 엑시머 발광 정선주, 정인태, 윤근병 Polymer(Korea), 35(4), 314, 2011 |
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Preparation of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene with MgCl2/TiCl4 catalysts: Effect of temperature and pressure Shin YJ, Zhang HX, Yoon KB, Lee DH Macromolecular Research, 18(10), 951, 2010 |
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Controlled Wall Thickness and Porosity of Polymeric Hollow Nanofibers by Coaxial Electrospinning Lee GH, Song JC, Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 18(6), 571, 2010 |
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금속 양이온 배위형 D-π-A 발색단을 포함하는 폴리머의 합성 및 박막화와 광학특성 정선주, 김혜련, 윤근병, 한윤수, 후지키 미치야, 타카기 아키코, 곽기섭 Polymer(Korea), 34(4), 376, 2010 |
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주사슬에 말로네이트기를 가지는 신규 폴리에스테르의 합성과 광분해 특성을 이용한 형광 이미지 패터닝 정선주, 곽기섭, 정인태, 이동호, 노형진, 윤근병 Polymer(Korea), 32(1), 56, 2008 |
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CTBN 고무 첨가에 따른 에폭시-점토 나노복합체의 물성 변화 이헌봉, 김호겸, 윤근병, 이동호, 민경은 Polymer(Korea), 32(1), 31, 2008 |
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실록산기를 함유한 아크릴 공중합체의 제조 및 점착특성 윤근병, 노영주, 이동호 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(2), 121, 2007 |
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Azido기를 함유한 수용성 포토레지스트 제조 및 감광 특성 윤근병, 이준태, 한정엽, 이동호 Polymer(Korea), 31(5), 374, 2007 |
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두 금속 Constrained Geometry Complexes을 이용한 에틸렌과 스티렌 공중합 연구; 다리결합 길이의 영향 윤근병, 배상근, 이철우, 노석균, 이동호 Polymer(Korea), 30(5), 432, 2006 |
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Methacryloyl기를 함유한 가용성 폴리이미드의 합성과 감광 특성 윤근병, 손형준, 이동호 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(2), 217, 2006 |
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Synthesis and Photoalignment of Soluble Polyimides Containing Photoreactive 2-Styrylpyridine Derivatives as Side Groups Kim MW, Hyun SH, Kong JY, Yoon KB, Park LS, Kim WS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(2), 261, 2006 |
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Copolymerization of Ethylene and 1-Hexene Using (n-BuCp)2ZrCl2 Catalyst Activated by the Cross-linkedMAO Supported Cocatalyst Yoon KB, Lee DH, Noh SK Macromolecular Research, 14(2), 240, 2006 |
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Ethylene Polymerization Using (n-BuCp)2ZrCl2 Catalyst Activated with a Cross-linked MAO-Supported Cocatalyst Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 12(4), 336, 2004 |
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Low-Loss Multimode Waveguides Using Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Materials Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 12(3), 290, 2004 |
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핫 엠보싱 공정을 이용한 마이크로 구조물 복제를 위한 마스터 표면개질 윤근병 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(5), 499, 2004 |
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Low-Loss Polymeric Waveguides Having Large Cores Fabricated by Hot Embossing and Micro-contact Printing Techniques Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 12(5), 474, 2004 |
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Fabrication of Multimode Polymeric Waveguides by Hot Embossing Process: Effect of Sidewall Roughness on Insertion Loss Yoon KB Macromolecular Research, 12(5), 437, 2004 |
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η3-알릴 Pd(II) 화합물/MAO 촉매를 이용한 노보넨 중합 윤근병, 이동호 Polymer(Korea), 28(3), 281, 2004 |
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PMMA/PVDF 혼합물의 물성 및 광학적 성질 김병철, 최춘기, 한상필, 윤근병, 정명영, 이대수 Polymer(Korea), 26(4), 462, 2002 |
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핫 엠보싱을 이용한 고분자 미세구조 성형 김진태, 김병철, 윤근병, 정명영, 정석원 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(8), 832, 2002 |