검색결과 : 6건
No. Article
1 Structural and chemical characterization of CdSe-ZnS core-shell quantum dots
Fernandez-Delgado N, Herrera M, Tavabi AH, Luysberg M, Dunin-Borkowski RE, Rodriguez-Canto PJ, Abargues R, Martinez-Pastor JP, Molina SI
Applied Surface Science, 457, 93, 2018
2 In-situ synthesis of thiophene-based multifunctional polymeric networks with tunable conductivity and high photolithographic performance
Rodriguez-Canto PJ, Martinez-Marco M, Sanchez-Royo JE, Martinez-Pastor JP, Abargues R
Polymer, 108, 413, 2017
3 Plasmonic versus catalytic effect of gold nanoparticles on mesoporous TiO2 electrodes for water splitting
Haro M, Abargues R, Herraiz-Cardona I, Martinez-Pastor J, Gimenez S
Electrochimica Acta, 144, 64, 2014
4 Novel Method of Preparation of Gold-Nanoparticle-Doped TiO2 and SiO2 Plasmonic Thin Films: Optical Characterization and Comparison with Maxwell-Garnett Modeling
Pedrueza E, Valdes JL, Chirvony V, Abargues R, Hernandez-Saz J, Herrera M, Molina SI, Martinez-Pastor JP
Advanced Functional Materials, 21(18), 3502, 2011
5 Au-PVA Nanocomposite Negative Resist for One-Step Three-Dimensional e-Beam Lithography
Marques-Hueso J, Abargues R, Canet-Ferrer J, Agouram S, Valdes JL, Martinez-Pastor JP
Langmuir, 26(4), 2825, 2010
6 Laser-Ablation-Induced Synthesis of SiO2-Capped Noble Metal Nanoparticles in a Single Step
Jimenez E, Abderrafi K, Abargues R, Valdes JL, Martinez-Pastor JP
Langmuir, 26(10), 7458, 2010