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The state-of-the-art of organic waste to energy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and opportunities Silva-Martinez RD, Sanches-Pereira A, Ortiz W, Galindo MFG, Coelho ST Renewable Energy, 156, 509, 2020 |
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The energy transition history of fuelwood replacement for liquefied petroleum gas in Brazilian households from 1920 to 2016 Coelho ST, Sanches-Pereira A, Tudeschini LG, Goldemberg J Energy Policy, 123, 41, 2018 |
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Is natural gas a backup fuel against shortages of biogas or a threat to the Swedish vision of pursuing a vehicle fleet independent of fossil fuels? Sanches-Pereira A, Lonnqvist T, Gomez MF, Coelho ST, Tudeschini LG Renewable Energy, 83, 1187, 2015 |
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Environmental sustainability of biodiesel in Brazil Castanheira EG, Grisoli R, Freire F, Pecora V, Coelho ST Energy Policy, 65, 680, 2014 |
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Energy access: Lessons learned in Brazil and perspectives for replication in other developing countries Coelho ST, Goldemberg J Energy Policy, 61, 1088, 2013 |
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The sustainability of ethanol production from sugarcane Goldemberg J, Coelho ST, Guardabassi P Energy Policy, 36(6), 2086, 2008 |
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Ethanol learning curve - the Brazilian experience Goldemberg J, Coelho ST, Nastari PM, Lucon O Biomass & Bioenergy, 26(3), 301, 2004 |
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Renewable energy - traditional biomass vs. modern biomass Goldemberg J, Coelho ST Energy Policy, 32(6), 711, 2004 |
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How adequate policies can push renewables Goldemberg J, Coelho ST, Lucon O Energy Policy, 32(9), 1141, 2004 |
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Policies to improve biomass-electricity generation in Brazil Coelho ST, Bolognini MF Renewable Energy, 16(1), 996, 1999 |