검색결과 : 15건
No. | Article |
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Organic matter preserved in 3-billion-year-old mudstones at Gale crater, Mars Eigenbrode JL, Summons RE, Steele A, Freissinet C, Millan M, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Sutter B, McAdam AC, Franz HB, Glavin DP, Archer PD, Mahaffy PR, Conrad PG, Hurowitz JA, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Ming DW, Sumner DY, Szopa C, Malespin C, Buch A, Coll P Science, 360(6393), 1096, 2018 |
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The imprint of atmospheric evolution in the D/H of Hesperian clay minerals on Mars Mahaffy PR, Webster CR, Stern JC, Brunner AE, Atreya SK, Conrad PG, Domagal-Goldman S, Eigenbrode JL, Flesch GJ, Christensen LE, Franz HB, Freissinet C, Glavin DP, Grotzinger JP, Jones JH, Leshin LA, Malespin C, McAdam AC, Ming DW, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Niles PB, Owen T, Pavlov AA, Steele A, Trainer MG, Williford KH, Wray JJ Science, 347(6220), 412, 2015 |
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Mars methane detection and variability at Gale crater Webster CR, Mahaffy PR, Atreya SK, Flesch GJ, Mischna MA, Meslin PY, Farley KA, Conrad PG, Christensen LE, Pavlov AA, Martin-Torres J, Zorzano MP, McConnochie TH, Owen T, Eigenbrode JL, Glavin DP, Steele A, Malespin CA, Archer PD, Sutter B, Coll P, Freissinet C, McKay CP, Moores JE, Schwenzer SP, Bridges JC, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Gellert R, Lemmon MT Science, 347(6220), 415, 2015 |
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In Situ Radiometric and Exposure Age Dating of the Martian Surface Farley KA, Malespin C, Mahaffy P, Grotzinger JP, Vasconcelos PM, Milliken RE, Malin M, Edgett KS, Pavlov AA, Hurowitz JA, Grant JA, Miller HB, Arvidson R, Beegle L, Calef F, Conrad PG, Dietrich WE, Eigenbrode J, Gellert R, Gupta S, Hamilton V, Hassler DM, Lewis KW, McLennan SM, Ming D, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Schwenzer SP, Steele A, Stolper EM, Sumner DY, Vaniman D, Vasavada A, Williford K, Wimmer-Schweingruber RF Science, 343(6169), 1247166, 2014 |
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A Habitable Fluvio-Lacustrine Environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars Grotzinger JP, Sumner DY, Kah LC, Stack K, Gupta S, Edgar L, Rubin D, Lewis K, Schieber J, Mangold N, Milliken R, Conrad PG, DesMarais D, Farmer J, Siebach K, Calef F, Hurowitz J, McLennan SM, Ming D, Vaniman D, Crisp J, Vasavada A, Edgett KS, Malin M, Blake D, Gellert R, Mahaffy P, Wiens RC, Maurice S, Grant JA, Wilson S, Anderson RC, Beegle L, Arvidson R, Hallet B, Sletten RS, Rice M, Bell J, Griffes J, Ehlmann B, Anderson RB, Bristow TF, Dietrich WE, Dromart G, Eigenbrode J, Fraeman A, Hardgrove C, Herkenhoff K, Jandura L, Kocurek G, Lee S, Leshin LA, Leveille R, Limonadi D, Maki J, McCloskey S, Meyer M, Minitti M, Newsom H, Oehler D, Okon A, Palucis M, Parker T, Rowland S, Schmidt M, Squyres S, Steele A, Stolper E, Summons R, Treiman A, Williams R, Yingst A Science, 343(6169), 1242777, 2014 |
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Volatile and Organic Compositions of Sedimentary Rocks in Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars Ming DW, Archer PD, Glavin DP, Eigenbrode JL, Franz HB, Sutter B, Brunner AE, Stern JC, Freissinet C, McAdam AC, Mahaffy PR, Cabane M, Coll P, Campbell JL, Atreya SK, Niles PB, Bell JF, Bish DL, Brinckerhoff WB, Buch A, Conrad PG, Des Marais DJ, Ehlmann BL, Fairen AG, Farley K, Flesch GJ, Francois P, Gellert R, Grant JA, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Herkenhoff KE, Hurowitz JA, Leshin LA, Lewis KW, McLennan SM, Miller KE, Moersch J, Morris RV, Navarro-Gonzalez R, Pavlov AA, Perrett GM, Pradler I, Squyres SW, Summons RE, Steele A, Stolper EM, Sumner DY, Szopa C, Teinturier S, Trainer MG, Treiman AH, Vaniman DT, Vasavada AR, Webster CR, Wray JJ, Yingst RA Science, 343(6169), -, 2014 |
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Scratching the surface of martian habitability Conrad PG Science, 346(6215), 1288, 2014 |
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Abundance and Isotopic Composition of Gases in the Martian Atmosphere from the Curiosity Rover Mahaffy PR, Webster CR, Atreya SK, Franz H, Wong M, Conrad PG, Harpold D, Jones JJ, Leshin LA, Manning H, Owen T, Pepin RO, Squyres S, Trainer M Science, 341(6143), 263, 2013 |
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A Reduced Organic Carbon Component in Martian Basalts Steele A, McCubbin FM, Fries M, Kater L, Boctor NZ, Fogel ML, Conrad PG, Glamoclija M, Spencer M, Morrow AL, Hammond MR, Zare RN, Vicenzi EP, Siljestrom S, Bowden R, Herd CDK, Mysen BO, Shirey SB, Amundsen HEF, Treiman AH, Bullock ES, Jull AJT Science, 337(6091), 212, 2012 |
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A Reduced Organic Carbon Component in Martian Basalts Steele A, McCubbin FM, Fries M, Kater L, Boctor NZ, Fogel ML, Conrad PG, Glamoclija M, Spencer M, Morrow AL, Hammond MR, Zare RN, Vicenzi EP, Siljestrom S, Bowden R, Herd CDK, Mysen BO, Shirey SB, Amundsen HEF, Treiman AH, Bullock ES, Jull AJT Science, 337(6091), 212, 2012 |