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Electrorotation of leaky-dielectric and conducting microspheres in asymmetric electrolytes and angular velocity reversal Miloh T, Nagler J Electrophoresis, 41(15), 1296, 2020 |
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Review: Dielectrophoresis in cell characterization Henslee EA Electrophoresis, 41(21-22), 1915, 2020 |
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On-chip technology for single-cell arraying, electrorotation-based analysis and selective release Keim K, Rashed MZ, Kilchenmann SC, Delattre A, Goncalves AF, Ery P, Guiducci C Electrophoresis, 40(14), 1830, 2019 |
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Dielectrophoretic characterization and isolation of jellyfish stinging capsules Park S, Capelin D, Piriatinskiy G, Lotan T, Yossifon G Electrophoresis, 38(16), 1996, 2017 |
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Monitoring the permeabilization of a single cell in a microfluidic device, through the estimation of its dielectric properties based on combined dielectrophoresis and electrorotation in situ experiments Trainito CI, Francais O, Le Pioufle B Electrophoresis, 36(9-10), 1115, 2015 |
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Wall effects on the electrical manipulation of metal nanowires Loucaides NG, Ramos A Electrophoresis, 36(13), 1414, 2015 |
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Characterization of the distribution of rotational torque on electrorotation chips with 3D electrodes Bahrieh G, Ozgur E, Koyuncuoglu A, Erdem M, Gunduz U, Kulah H Electrophoresis, 36(15), 1785, 2015 |
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Electrical tweezer for highly parallelized electrorotation measurements over a wide frequency bandwidth Rohani A, Varhue W, Su YH, Swami NS Electrophoresis, 35(12-13), 1795, 2014 |
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Electrorotation of titanium microspheres Arcenegui JJ, Ramos A, Garcia-Sanchez P, Morgan H Electrophoresis, 34(7), 979, 2013 |
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The effects of nanoparticles uptaken by cells on electrorotation Chuang CH, Hsu YM, Yeh CC Electrophoresis, 30(9), 1449, 2009 |