검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 On the electron mobility enhancement in biaxially strained Si MOSFETs
Driussi F, Esseni D, Selmi L, Hellstrom PE, Malm G, Hallstedt J, Ostling M, Grasby TJ, Leadley DR, Mescot X
Solid-State Electronics, 52(4), 498, 2008
2 Evaluation of relaxation and misfit dislocation blocking in strained silicon on virtual substrates
Parsons J, Beer CS, Leadley DR, Capewell AD, Grasby TJ
Thin Solid Films, 517(1), 17, 2008
3 Impact of strain and channel orientation on the low-frequency noise performance of Si n- and pMOSFETs
von Haartman M, Malm BG, Hellstrom PE, Ostling M, Grasby TJ, Whall TE, Parker EHC, Lyutovich K, Oehme M, Kasper E
Solid-State Electronics, 51(5), 771, 2007
4 SiGe(C) epitaxial technologies - issues and prospectives
Grasby TJ, Whall TE, Parker EHC
Thin Solid Films, 412(1-2), 44, 2002