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Ferrocene self assembled monolayer as a redox mediator for triggering ion transfer across nanometer-sized membranes Cuartero M, Chai LJ, Zhang BB, De Marco R, Crespo GA Electrochimica Acta, 315, 84, 2019 |
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Redox active films of salicylic acid-based molecules as pH and ion sensors for monitoring ionophore activity in supported lipid deposits Flinois T, Lebegue E, Barriere F Electrochimica Acta, 313, 261, 2019 |
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Construction and performance characteristics of chemically modified carbon paste electrodes for the selective determination of Co(II) ions in water samples Ali TA,Mohamed GG, Omar MM, Hanafy NM Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 47, 102, 2017 |
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Impact of the Electrolyte Co-Extraction to the Response of the Ionophore-based Ion-Selective Electrodes Ivanova AD, Koltashova ES, Solovyeva EV, Peshkova MA, Mikhelson KN Electrochimica Acta, 213, 439, 2016 |
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Amperometric sensing of sodium, calcium and potassium in biological fluids using a microhole supported liquid/gel interface Diba FS, Lee HJ Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 769, 5, 2016 |
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Ammonium across a Selective Polymer Inclusion Membrane: Characterization, Transport, and Selectivity Casadella A, Schaetzle O, Loos K Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 37(10), 858, 2016 |
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Bioelectronic Light-Gated Transistors with Biologically Tunable Performance Tunuguntla RH, Bangar MA, Kim K, Stroeve P, Grigoropoulos C, Ajo-Franklin CM, Noy A Advanced Materials, 27(5), 831, 2015 |
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Calcium Selectivity in Liquid Membrane Transport using Anthraquinone Derived Redox Switched Synthetic Ionophores Vyas V, Awasthy A, Vani A, Sharma U Separation Science and Technology, 48(2), 338, 2012 |
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Nanostructuring of CyPLOS (Cyclic Phosphate-Linked OligoSaccharides), novel saccharide-based synthetic ion transporters Mangiapia G, Coppola C, Vitiello G, D'Errico G, De Napoli L, Radulescu A, Montesarchio D, Paduano L Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 354(2), 718, 2011 |
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Synthetic ionophores for the separation of Li+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ metal ions using liquid membrane technology Tomar J, Awasthy A, Sharma U Desalination, 232(1-3), 102, 2008 |