검색결과 : 20건
No. Article
1 Optimization of multi-effect distillation with brine treatment via membrane distillation and process heat integration
Bamufleh H, Abdelhady F, Baageel HM, El-Halwagi MM
Desalination, 408, 110, 2017
2 The integration based method for identifying the variation trend of fresh hydrogen consumption and optimal purification feed
Dai W, Shen RJ, Zhang D, Liu GL
Energy, 119, 732, 2017
3 Design and operation of renewable energy sources based hydrogen supply system: Technology integration and optimization
Won W, Kwon H, Han JH, Kim J
Renewable Energy, 103, 226, 2017
4 A method for reactor synthesis based on process intensification principles and optimization of superstructure consisting of phenomenological modules
Zivkovic LA, Nikacevic NM
Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 113, 189, 2016
5 Improving the energy efficiency of industrial refrigeration systems
Oh JS, Binns M, Park S, Kim JK
Energy, 112, 826, 2016
6 Simultaneous synthesis of utility system and heat exchanger network incorporating steam condensate and boiler feedwater
Luo XL, Huang XJ, El-Halwagi MM, Ponce-Ortega JM, Chen Y
Energy, 113, 875, 2016
7 Integration of optimal combinations of renewable energy sources into the energy supply of Wang-An Island
Yue CD, Chen CS, Lee YC
Renewable Energy, 86, 930, 2016
8 Model-based integration of control and operations: Overview, challenges, advances, and opportunities
Chu YF, You FQ
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 83, 2, 2015
9 육/해상 풍력기반 에너지생산 공정 최적 설계 및 경제성 평가
김민수, 김지용
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 53(2), 156, 2015
10 Integrated design and optimization of technologies for utilizing low grade heat in process industries
Kwak DH, Binns M, Kim JK
Applied Energy, 131, 307, 2014