검색결과 : 19건
No. | Article |
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Photoelectrical imaging and coherent spin-state readout of single nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond Siyushev P, Nesladek M, Bourgeois E, Gulka M, Hruby J, Yamamoto T, Trupke M, Teraji T, Isoya J, Jelezko F Science, 363(6428), 728, 2019 |
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Observation of discrete time-crystalline order in a disordered dipolar many-body system Choi S, Choi J, Landig R, Kucsko G, Zhou HY, Isoya J, Jelezko F, Onoda S, Sumiya H, Khemani V, von Keyserlingk C, Yao NY, Demler E, Lukin MD Nature, 543(7644), 221, 2017 |
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SPECTROSCOPY Mapping spins in flatland Aharonovich I, Jelezko F Nature Materials, 16(4), 397, 2017 |
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Submillihertz magnetic spectroscopy performed with a nanoscale quantum sensor Schmitt S, Gefen T, Sturner FM, Unden T, Wolff G, Muller C, Scheuer J, Naydenov B, Markham M, Pezzagna S, Meijer J, Schwarz I, Plenio MB, Retzker A, McGuinness LP, Jelezko F Science, 356(6340), 832, 2017 |
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APPLIED PHYSICS Nuclear magnetic resonance detection and spectroscopy of single proteins using quantum logic Lovchinsky I, Sushkov AO, Urbach E, de Leon NP, Choi S, De Greve K, Evans R, Gertner R, Bersin E, Muller C, McGuinness L, Jelezko F, Walsworth RL, Park H, Lukin MD Science, 351(6275), 836, 2016 |
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An integrated diamond nanophotonics platform for quantum-optical networks Sipahigil A, Evans RE, Sukachev DD, Burek MJ, Borregaard J, Bhaskar MK, Nguyen CT, Pacheco JL, Atikian HA, Meuwly C, Camacho RM, Jelezko F, Bielejec E, Park H, Loncar M, Lukin MD Science, 354(6314), 847, 2016 |
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Programmable Biopolymers for Advancing Biomedical Applications of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds Wu YZ, Ermakova A, Liu WN, Pramanik G, Vu TM, Kurz A, McGuinness L, Naydenov B, Hafner S, Reuter R, Wrachtrup J, Isoya J, Fortsch C, Barth H, Simmet T, Jelezko F, Weil T Advanced Functional Materials, 25(42), 6576, 2015 |
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DNA-Based Self-Assembly of Fluorescent Nanodiamonds Zhang T, Neumann A, Lindlau J, Wu YZ, Prarnanik G, Naydenov B, Jelezko F, Schuder F, Huber S, Huber M, Stehr F, Hogele A, Weil T, Liedl T Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137(31), 9776, 2015 |
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Look but don't touch the metals McGuinness LP, Jelezko F Science, 347(6226), 1072, 2015 |
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Molecular-sized fluorescent nanodiamonds Vlasov II, Shiryaev AA, Rendler T, Steinert S, Lee SY, Antonov D, Voros M, Jelezko F, Fisenko AV, Semjonova LF, Biskupek J, Kaiser U, Lebedev OI, Sildos I, Hemmer PR, Konov VI, Gali A, Wrachtrup J Nature Nanotechnology, 9(1), 54, 2014 |