검색결과 : 4건
No. | Article |
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Mechanical properties of mineralized collagen fibrils as influenced by demineralization Balooch M, Habelitz S, Kinney JH, Marshall SJ, Marshall GW Journal of Structural Biology, 162(3), 404, 2008 |
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Changes in pore size distribution upon thermal cycling of TATB-based explosives measured by ultra-small angle X-ray scattering Willey TM, van Buuren T, Lee JRI, Overturf GE, Kinney JH, Handly J, Weeks BL, Ilavsky J Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, 31(6), 466, 2006 |
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Mechanistic fracture criteria for the failure of human cortical bone Nalla RK, Kinney JH, Ritchie RO Nature Materials, 2(3), 164, 2003 |
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Three-dimensional imaging of large compressive deformations in elastomeric foams Kinney JH, Marshall GW, Marshall SJ, Haupt DL Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 80(10), 1746, 2001 |