검색결과 : 5건
No. Article
1 A numerical tool for modelling oscillating wave surge converter with nonlinear mechanical constraints
Brito M, Canelas RB, Garcia-Feal O, Dominguez JM, Crespo AJC, Ferreira RML, Neves MG, Teixeira L
Renewable Energy, 146, 2024, 2020
2 Experimental investigation on the power capture of an oscillating wave surge converter in unidirectional waves
Brito M, Ferreira RML, Teixeira L, Neves MG, Canelas RB
Renewable Energy, 151, 975, 2020
3 Oil-hydraulic power take-off concept for an oscillating wave surge converter
Calvario M, Gaspar JF, Kamarlouei M, Hallak TS, Soares CG
Renewable Energy, 159, 1297, 2020
4 Application of a fictitious domain method in numerical simulation of an oscillating wave surge converter
Mottahedi HR, Anbarsooz M, Passandideh-Fard M
Renewable Energy, 121, 133, 2018
5 A conceptual model of the hydrodynamics of an oscillating wave surge converter
Henry A, Folley M, Whittaker T
Renewable Energy, 118, 965, 2018