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A solar-based sustainable urban design: The effects of city-scale street-canyon geometry on solar access in Geneva, Switzerland Mohajeri N, Gudmundsson A, Kunckler T, Upadhyay G, Assouline D, Kampf JH, Scartezzini JL Applied Energy, 240, 173, 2019 |
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Parametric study of a cost-optimal, energy efficient office building in Serbia Stevanovic S Energy, 117, 492, 2016 |
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The residential solar block envelope: A method for enabling the development of compact urban blocks with high passive solar potential Vartholomaios A Energy and Buildings, 99, 303, 2015 |
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Trends in observable passive solar design strategies for existing homes in the U.S. Kruzner K, Cox K, Machmer B, Klotz L Energy Policy, 55, 82, 2013 |
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Solar optimized residential neighborhoods: Evaluation and design methodology Hachem C, Fazio P, Athienitis A Solar Energy, 95, 42, 2013 |
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Numerical estimation of time lags and decrement factors for wall complexes including Multilayer Thermal Insulation, in two different climatic zones Mavromatidis LE, EL Mankibi M, Michel P, Santamouris M Applied Energy, 92, 480, 2012 |
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The effects of urban and building design parameters on solar access to the urban canyon and the potential for direct passive solar heating strategies van Esch MME, Looman RHJ, de Bruin-Hordijk GJ Energy and Buildings, 47, 189, 2012 |
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A concept for a potential metric to characterise the dynamic thermal performance of walls Alterman D, Moffiet T, Hands S, Page A, Luo CM, Moghtaderi B Energy and Buildings, 54, 52, 2012 |
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Rewards for passive solar design in the Building Code of Australia Peterkin N Renewable Energy, 34(2), 440, 2009 |
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An experience on integrating monitoring and simulation tools in the design of energy-saving buildings Larsen SF, Filippin C, Beascochea A, Lesino G Energy and Buildings, 40(6), 987, 2008 |