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Design and analysis of a new wave energy converter based on a point absorber and a hydraulic system harvesting energy from waves near the shore in calm seas Barbarelli S, Amelio M, Castiglione T, Florio G, Scornaienchi NM International Journal of Energy Research, 45(1), 661, 2021 |
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Numerical evaluation of a two-body point absorber wave energy converter with a tuned inerter Asai T, Sugiura K Renewable Energy, 171, 217, 2021 |
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Modelling of linear and non-linear two-body wave energy converters under regular and irregular wave conditions Ji XY, Al Shami E, Monty J, Wang X Renewable Energy, 147, 487, 2020 |
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Modelling of operation and optimum design of a wave power take-off system with energy storage Bonovas MI, Anagnostopoulos IS Renewable Energy, 147, 502, 2020 |
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Numerical analysis and wave tank validation on the optimal design of a two-body wave energy converter Martin D, Li XF, Chen CA, Thiagarajan K, Ngo K, Parker R, Zuo L Renewable Energy, 145, 632, 2020 |
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Numerical analysis of a new multi-body floating wave energy converter with a linear power take-off system Chandrasekaran S, Sricharan VVS Renewable Energy, 159, 250, 2020 |
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Concept and performance of a novel wave energy converter: Variable Aperture Point-Absorber (VAPA) Zheng SM, Zhang YL, Iglesias G Renewable Energy, 153, 681, 2020 |
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Efficiency and survivability analysis of a point-absorber wave energy converter using DualSPHysics Ropero-Giralda P, Crespo AJC, Tagliafierro B, Altomare C, Dominguez JM, Gomez-Gesteira M, Viccione G Renewable Energy, 162, 1763, 2020 |
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Efficiency enhancement of a point wave energy converter with a magnetic bistable mechanism Zhang HC, Xi R, Xu DL, Wang K, Shi QJ, Zhao H, Wu B Energy, 181, 1152, 2019 |
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Numerical and experimental study on a hemispheric point-absorber-type wave energy converter with a hydraulic power take-off system Kim SJ, Koo W, Shin MJ Renewable Energy, 135, 1260, 2019 |