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Passive versus active salt diapirism Rowan MG, Giles KA AAPG Bulletin, 105(1), 53, 2021 |
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Halokinetic sequences and diapiric structural kinematics in the field: Two-day excursion to La Popa Basin, northeastern Mexico Lawton TF, Giles KA, Rowan MG AAPG Bulletin, 101(4), 599, 2017 |
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Benchmark of deepwater field development projects in the Perdido foldbelt: Evaluating fiscal impacts (Mexico, and US) using a nodal analysis production model Weijermars R, Alves IN, Rowan MG, Flores DB Energy Policy, 109, 898, 2017 |
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Megaflaps adjacent to salt diapirs Rowan MG, Giles KA, Hearon TE, Fiduk JC AAPG Bulletin, 100(11), 1723, 2016 |
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Allochthonous salt initiation and advance in the northern Flinders and eastern Willouran ranges, South Australia: Using outcrops to test subsurface-based models from the northern Gulf of Mexico Hearon TE, Rowan MG, Giles KA, Kernen RA, Gannaway CE, Lawton TF, Fiduk JC AAPG Bulletin, 99(2), 293, 2015 |
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Near-salt deformation in La Popa basin, Mexico, and the northern Gulf of Mexico: A general model for passive diapirism Rowan MG, Lawton TF, Giles KA, Ratliff RA AAPG Bulletin, 87(5), 733, 2003 |
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Emplacement and evolution of the Mahogany salt body, central Louisiana outer shelf, northern Gulf of Mexico Rowan MG, Ratliff RA, Trudgill BD, Duarte JB AAPG Bulletin, 85(6), 947, 2001 |
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Fold-evolution matrices and axial-surface analysis of fault-bend folds: Application to the Medina anticline, Eastern Cordillera, Colombia Rowan MG, Linares R AAPG Bulletin, 84(6), 741, 2000 |
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The Perdido fold belt, northwestern deep Gulf of Mexico, Part 1: Structural geometry, evolution and regional implications Trudgill BD, Rowan MG, Fiduk JC, Weimer P, Gale PE, Korn BE, Phair RL, Gafford WT, Roberts GR, Dobbs SW AAPG Bulletin, 83(1), 88, 1999 |
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The Perdido fold belt, northwestern deep Gulf of Mexico, part 2: Seismic stratigraphy and petroleum systems Fiduk JC, Weimer P, Trudgill BD, Rowan MG, Gale PE, Phair RL, Korn BE, Roberts GR, Gafford WT, Lowe RS, Queffelec TA AAPG Bulletin, 83(4), 578, 1999 |