검색결과 : 17건
No. | Article |
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Removal of Tin from Extreme Ultraviolet Collector Optics by In-Situ Hydrogen Plasma Etching Elg DT, Panici GA, Liu SM, Girolami G, Srivastava SN, Ruzic DN Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 38(1), 223, 2018 |
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Removal of Tin from Extreme Ultraviolet Collector Optics by In-Situ Hydrogen Plasma Etching (vol 38, pg 223, 2018) Elg DT, Panici GA, Liu SM, Girolami G, Srivastava SN, Ruzic DN Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, 38(4), 917, 2018 |
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Recent developments in surface science and engineering, thin films, nanoscience, biomaterials, plasma science, and vacuum technology Mozetic M, Vesel A, Primc G, Eisenmenger-Sittner C, Bauer J, Eder A, Schmid GHS, Ruzic DN, Ahmed Z, Barker D, Douglass KO, Eckel S, Fedchak JA, Hendricks J, Klimov N, Ricker J, Scherschligt J, Stone J, Strouse G, Capan I, Buljan M, Milosevic S, Teichert C, Cohen SR, Silva AG, Lehocky M, Humpolicek P, Rodriguez C, Hernandez-Montelongo J, Mercier D, Manso-Silvan M, Ceccone G, Galtayries A, Stana-Kleinschek K, Petrov I, Greene JE, Avila J, Chen CY, Caja-Munoz B, Yi H, Boury A, Lorcy S, Asensio MC, Bredin J, Gans T, O'Connell D, Brendin J, Reniers F, Vincze A, Anderle M, Montelius L Thin Solid Films, 660, 120, 2018 |
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In situ plasma diagnostics study of a commercial high-power hollow cathode magnetron deposition tool Meng L, Raju R, Flauta R, Shin H, Ruzic DN, Hayden DB Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 28(1), 112, 2010 |
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Lithium research as a plasma facing component material at the University of Illinois Surla V, Jaworski MA, Gray TK, Ibano K, Xu W, Neumann MJ, Ruzic DN Thin Solid Films, 518(22), 6663, 2010 |
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Tin removal from extreme ultraviolet collector optics by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching Shin H, Srivastava SN, Ruzic DN Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 26(3), 389, 2008 |
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Integrated model for chemically enhanced physical vapor deposition of tantalum nitride-based films Li N, Brenner PW, Ruzic DN Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 24(3), 1162, 2006 |
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Chemically enhanced physical vapor deposition of tantalum nitride-based films for ultra-large-scale integrated devices Li N, Ruzic DN, Powell RA Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 22(6), 2734, 2004 |
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Absolute sputtering yield of Ti/TiN by Ar+/N+ at 400-700 eV Ranjan R, Allain JP, Hendricks MR, Ruzic DN Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 19(3), 1004, 2001 |
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Characterization of magnetron-sputtered partially ionized deposition as a function of metal and gas species Allain MMC, Hayden DB, Juliano DR, Ruzic DN Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 18(3), 797, 2000 |