검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
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Hydrodynamic and Mass Transfer Correlation in a Microbubble Aerated Stirred Tank Reactor Matthes S, Thomas B, Ohde D, Hoffmann M, Bubenheim P, Liese A, Tanaka S, Terasaka K, Schlueter M Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 53(10), 577, 2020 |
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Rapid activation of the melibiose permease MeIB immobilized on a solid-supported membrane Garcia-Celma JJ, Dueck B, Stein M, Schlueter M, Meyer-Lipp K, Leblanc G, Fendler K Langmuir, 24(15), 8119, 2008 |
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The impact of local phenomena on mass transfer in gas-liquid systems Bork O, Schlueter M, Raebiger N Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 83(4), 658, 2005 |