검색결과 : 4건
No. Article
1 Platinum(IV)-Ferrocene Conjugates and Their Cyclodextrin Host-Guest Complexes
Thiabaud G, Harden-Bull L, Ghang YJ, Sen S, Chi XD, Bachman JL, Lynch VM, Siddik ZH, Sessler JL
Inorganic Chemistry, 58(12), 7886, 2019
2 Lanthanide Texaphyrins as Photocatalysts
Lammer AD, Thiabaud G, Brewster JT, Alaniz J, Bender JA, Sessler JL
Inorganic Chemistry, 57(6), 3458, 2018
3 Reversible (De)protonation-Induced Valence Inversion in Mixed-Valent Diiron(II,III) Complexes
Goure E, Thiabaud G, Carboni M, Gon N, Dubourdeaux P, Garcia-Serres R, Clemancey M, Oddou JL, Robin AY, Jacquamet L, Dubois L, Blondin G, Latour JM
Inorganic Chemistry, 50(14), 6408, 2011
4 Mimicking the Protein Access Channel to a Metal Center: Effect of a Funnel Complex on Dissociative versus Associative Copper Redox Chemistry
Le Poul N, Douziech B, Zeitouny J, Thiabaud G, Colas H, Conan F, Cosquer N, Jabin I, Lagrost C, Hapiot P, Reinaud O, Le Mest Y
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 131(49), 17800, 2009