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Electron tomography reveals changes in spatial distribution of UBTF1 and UBTF2 isoforms within nucleolar components during rRNA synthesis inhibition Tchelidze P, Kaplan H, Terryn C, Lalun N, Ploton D, Thiry M Journal of Structural Biology, 208(2), 191, 2019 |
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Study of intact virus-like particles of human papillomavirus by capillary electrophoresis Bettonville V, Nicol JTJ, Thelen N, Thiry M, Fillet M, Jacobs N, Servais AC Electrophoresis, 37(4), 579, 2016 |
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Nucleolar structure across evolution: The transition between bi- and tricompartmentalized nucleoli lies within the class Reptilia Lamaye F, Galliot S, Alibardi L, Lafontaine DLJ, Thiry M Journal of Structural Biology, 174(2), 352, 2011 |
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Ultrastructural detection of nucleic acids within heat shock-induced perichromatin granules of HeLa cells by cytochemical and immunocytological methods Charlier C, Lamaye F, Thelen N, Thiry M Journal of Structural Biology, 166(3), 329, 2009 |
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The nuclear phenotypic plasticity observed in fish during rRNA regulation entails Cajal bodies dynamics Alvarez M, Nardocci G, Thiry M, Alvarez R, Reyes M, Molina A, Vera MI Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 360(1), 40, 2007 |
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Morphological changes of the nucleolus during oogenesis in oviparous teleost fish, Barbus barbus (L.) Thiry M, Poncin P Journal of Structural Biology, 152(1), 1, 2005 |
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Ultrastructural distribution of DNA within plant meristematic cell nucleoli during activation and the subsequent inactivation by a cold stress Mineur P, Jennane A, Thiry M, Deltour R, Goessens G Journal of Structural Biology, 123(3), 199, 1998 |
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''Exolysosomes,'' enzyme-containing vesicles in the ecdysial space of molting crabs Compere P, Bouchtia H, Thiry M, Goffinet G Journal of Structural Biology, 119(3), 247, 1997 |