검색결과 : 3건
No. | Article |
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The human LIS1 is downregulated in hepatocellular carcinoma and plays a tumor suppressor function Xing Z, Tang X, Gao Y, Da L, Song H, Wang SQ, Tiollais P, Li TP, Zhao MJ Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 409(2), 193, 2011 |
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Hepatitis B virus X protein reduces starvation-induced cell death through activation of autophagy and inhibition of mitochondrial apoptotic pathway Mao Y, Da L, Tang H, Yang JL, Lei YR, Tiollais P, Li TP, Zhao MJ Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 415(1), 68, 2011 |
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Appeal to Mitterrand in Blood Scandal Algazi M, Ancellepark R, Asjo B, Barin F, Barme M, Barresinoussi F, Baylon H, Benichou J, Benichou G, Bezeaud A, Blancher A, Blattner WA, Blot P, Bourrouillou G, Bouttier D, Boven B, Brunet JB, Cadroy Y, Caen J, Cahan C, Calvas P, Caranobe C, Carrell RW, Chanzy M, Chaouat G, Chiodi F, Colombies P, Coutinho A, Dausset J, Devincenti I, Debre P, Denis F, Desmyter J, Deubel V, Devergie A, Dodin A, Dore JF, Dreyfus JC, Dreyfusbrisac C, Ducos J, Durand H, Fenyo EM, Fleury H, Fournel JJ, Frottier J, Gaillard J, Galanaud P, Garcon P, Gazzolo L, Georges AJ, Georgescourbot MC, Girard M, Gluckman E, Gluckman JC, Goldberg M, Goubau P, Guillin MC, Herrault A, Jennings M, Juhanvague I, Kanki PJ, Kazatchkine M, Kirn A, Klatzmann D, Kohen JP, Kreis H, Kruh J, Leminor L, Lesourd G, Lidereau R, Lortholary P, Lowenstein W, Loygue J, Marcovich H, Marty M, Mathiot C, Monodbroca P, Orth G, Dasilva LP, Peres G, Pillot J, Policard C, Reynes J, Rozenbaum W, Scarlatti G, Schaison G, Schupbach J, Sie P, Smilovici W, Sournia JC, Tarantola D, Tavitian A, Tedgui A, Testas P, Tiollais P, Ullman A, Wollman E, Wollman A Nature, 367(6461), 312, 1994 |