검색결과 : 2건
No. | Article |
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Substrate-free Determination of the Radical Scavenging Activity of Phenolic Compounds by Photochemical Generation of Hydroxyl Radicals and HPLC-UV Detection de Carvalho LM, Monserrat JM, Scholz F, Lima FO, da Rosa MB, Hilgemann M, Muller LS, Faccin H, Ramos PB, Viana C Separation Science and Technology, 48(7), 1123, 2013 |
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Effect of carbon source on the formation of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) by a phosphate-accumulating mixed culture Lemos PC, Viana C, Salgueiro EN, Ramos AM, Crespo JPSG, Reis MAM Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 22(8), 662, 1998 |