검색결과 : 5건
No. | Article |
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In Search for the "Phenolate" Monoanion of Fluorescein in Solution Mchedlov-Petrossyan NO, Vodolazkaya NA, Salamanova NV, Roshal AD, Filatov DY Chemistry Letters, 39(1), 30, 2010 |
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Medium Effects on the Prototropic Equilibria of Fluorescein Fluoro Derivatives in True and Organized Solution Mchedlov-Petrossyan NO, Vodolazkaya NA, Gurina YA, Sun WC, Gee KR Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114(13), 4551, 2010 |
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Nature of cationic poly(propylenimine) dendrimers in aqueous solutions as studied using versatile indicator dyes Mchedlov-Petrossyan NO, Bryleva EY, Vodolazkaya NA, Dissanayake AA, Ford WT Langmuir, 24(11), 5689, 2008 |
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Interfacial properties of cetyltrimethylammonium-coated SiO2 nanoparticles in aqueous media as studied by using different indicator dyes Bryleva EY, Vodolazkaya NA, Mchedlov-Petrossyan NO, Samokhina LV, Maveevskaya NA, Tolmachev AV Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 316(2), 712, 2007 |
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Counterion-induced transformations of cationic surfactant micelles studied by using the displacing effect of solvatochromic pyridinium N-phenolate betaine dyes Mchedlov-Petrossyan NO, Vodolazkaya NA, Kornienko AA, Karyakina EL, Reichardt C Langmuir, 21(16), 7090, 2005 |