검색결과 : 6건
No. Article
1 The application of distributive justice to energy taxation utilising sovereign wealth funds
Heffron RJ
Energy Policy, 122, 649, 2018
2 Input-output analysis of alternative policies implemented on the energy activities: An application for Catalonia
Llop M, Pie L
Energy Policy, 36(5), 1642, 2008
3 The environmental and economic impacts of the UK climate change agreements
Ekins P, Etheridge B
Energy Policy, 34(15), 2071, 2006
4 Energy-related taxation as an environmental policy tool-the Finnish experience 1990-2003
Vehmas J
Energy Policy, 33(17), 2175, 2005
5 Modelling the impact of energy taxation
Sjodin J
International Journal of Energy Research, 26(6), 475, 2002
6 Price trends in the Swedish wood-fuel market
Hillring B
Biomass & Bioenergy, 12(1), 41, 1997