검색결과 : 5건
No. | Article |
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Use of laccase in pulp and paper industry Virk AP, Sharma P, Capalash N Biotechnology Progress, 28(1), 21, 2012 |
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Lipophilic extractives from several nonwoody lignocellulosic crops (flax, hemp, sisal, abaca) and their fate during alkaline pulping and TCF/ECF bleaching Marques G, del Rio JC, Gutierrez A Bioresource Technology, 101(1), 260, 2010 |
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Effect of bio-treatment on the lipophilic and hydrophilic extractives of wheat straw Qin MH, Xu QH, Shao ZY, Gao Y, Fu YJ, Lu XM, Gao PJ, Holmbom B Bioresource Technology, 100(12), 3082, 2009 |
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Effect of oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxide bleaching stages on the contents and composition of extractives of Eucalyptus globulus kraft pulps Freire CSR, Silvestre AJD, Neto CP, Evtuguin DV Bioresource Technology, 97(3), 420, 2006 |
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Chemical composition of lipophilic extractives released during the hot water treatment of wheat straw Sun RC, Salisbury D, Tomkinson J Bioresource Technology, 88(2), 95, 2003 |