검색결과 : 49건
No. | Article |
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Efficient Shortcut Method for Determining the Process Window in Stirred-Pulsed Extraction Columns Schmalenberg M, Frede TA, Mathias C, Kockmann N Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 93(3), 466, 2021 |
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An enumeration-based synthesis framework for multi-effect distillation processes Cui CT, Xi ZJ, Liu SY, Sun JS Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 144, 216, 2019 |
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Development of a new column shortcut model and its application in process optimisation Ecker AM, Thomas I, Halele M, Wunderlich B, Obermeier A, Ferstl J, Klein H, Peschel A Chemical Engineering Science, 196, 538, 2019 |
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Enrichment and adaptation yield high anammox conversion rates under low temperatures De Cocker P, Bessiere Y, Hernandez-Raquet G, Dubos S, Mozo I, Gaval G, Caligaris M, Barillon B, Vlaeminck SE, Sperandio M Bioresource Technology, 250, 505, 2018 |
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Treatment of swine wastewater in continuous activated sludge systems under different dissolved oxygen conditions: Reactor operation and evaluation using modelling Waki M, Yasuda T, Fukumoto Y, Beline F, Magri A Bioresource Technology, 250, 574, 2018 |
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Shortcut-based optimization of distillation-based processes by a novel reformulation of the feed angle method Skiborowski M, Recker S, Marquardt W Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 132, 135, 2018 |
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Optimal selection of operating pressure for distillation columns Cui CT, Liu SY, Sun JS Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 137, 291, 2018 |
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A simplified and general approach to absorption and stripping with parallel streams Meirelles AJA, Biasi LCK, Batista FRM, Batista EAC Separation and Purification Technology, 203, 93, 2018 |
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Pinch-Based Shortcut Method for the Conceptual Design of Adiabatic Absorption Columns Redepenning C, Marquardt W AIChE Journal, 63(4), 1213, 2017 |
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Pinch-Based Shortcut Method for the Conceptual Design of Isothermal Extraction Columns Redepenning C, Recker S, Marquardt W AIChE Journal, 63(4), 1236, 2017 |