검색결과 : 11건
No. Article
1 Contribution of Combustion Air Preheating to Operation of an Industrial Waste Treatment Plant
Shinohara K, Kono D, Minakami M, Kawajiri T, Hironaka S, Fukai J
2 Combustion of wood-chips in a small-scale fixed-bed boiler: Validation of the numerical model through in-flame measurements
Patronelli S, Antonelli M, Tognotti L, Galletti C
Fuel, 221, 128, 2018
3 Characterization of Spreader Stoker Coal Fly Ashes (SSCFA) for their use in cement-based applications
Sow M, Hot J, Tribout C, Cyr M
Fuel, 162, 224, 2015
4 The impact of coal characteristics on the fouling of stoker-fired boiler convection surfaces
Pronobis M, Kalisz S, Polok M
Fuel, 112, 473, 2013
5 Water holding capacities of fly ashes: Effect of size fractionation
Sarkar A, Rano R
Energy Sources Part A-recovery Utilization and Environmental Effects, 29(5), 471, 2007
6 The black smoke control in a chain-grate stoker-fired boiler at the time of ignition and restart of the combustion
Wang QC, Luo YH
International Journal of Energy Research, 30(15), 1363, 2006
7 Partitioning behaviour of trace elements in a stoker-fired combustion unit: An example using bituminous coals from the Greymouth coalfield (Cretaceous), New Zealand
Li Z, Clemens AH, Moore TA, Gong D, Weaver SD, Eby N
International Journal of Coal Geology, 63(1-2), 98, 2005
8 Methods of choosing the optimal parameters for solid fuel combustion in stoker-fired boilers
Rusinowski H, Szega M, Szlek A, Wilk R
Energy Conversion and Management, 43(9-12), 1363, 2002
9 The cooccurrence of inorganic and carbonaceous matter in fly ash samples from stoker boilers
Misz M, Smolka-Danielowska D
Fuel Processing Technology, 77-78, 269, 2002
10 [기획특집-화학산업에서의 다양한 공정기술] 국내소각로 공정의 현황
Prospectives of Industrial Chemistry, 4(4), 16, 2001