
International Journal of Coal Geology

International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol.84, No.3-4 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0166-5162 (Print) 

In this Issue (15 articles)

153 - 153 Joint 61st ICCP/26th TSOP meeting: Advances in Organic Petrology and Organic Geochemistry
Mendonca JG
154 - 165 Effect of concentration of dispersed organic matter on optical maturity parameters: Interlaboratory results of the organic matter concentration working group of the ICCP
Mendonca JG, Araujo CV, Borrego AG, Cook A, Flores D, Hackley P, Hower JC, Kern ML, Kommeren K, Kus J, Mastalerz M, Mendonca JO, Menezes TR, Newman J, Ranasinghe P, Souza IVAF, Suarez-Ruiz I, Ujiie Y
166 - 178 Organic facies of the Oligocene lacustrine system in the Cenozoic Taubate basin, Southern Brazil
Mendonca JG, Chagas RBA, Menezes TR, Mendonca JO, da Silva FS, Sabadini-Santos E
179 - 189 Vertical evolution of petrographic and organic geochemical parameters in Las Duenas mire (Cantabrian Coast, North Spain)
Lopez-Dias V, Borrego AG, Blanco CG
190 - 205 High-pressure methane and carbon dioxide sorption on coal and shale samples from the Parana Basin, Brazil
Weniger P, Kalkreuth W, Busch A, Krooss BM
206 - 212 Raman spectroscopy of selected carbonaceous samples
Kwiecinska B, Suarez-Ruiz I, Paluszkiewicz C, Rodrigues S
213 - 236 Depositional setting, petrology and chemistry of Permian coals from the Parana Basin: 2. South Santa Catarina Coalfield, Brazil
Kalkreuth W, Holz M, Mexias A, Balbinot M, Levandowski J, Willett J, Finkelman R, Burger H
237 - 247 The importance of thermal behaviour and petrographic composition for understanding the characteristics of a Portuguese perhydrous Jurassic coal
Costa A, Flores D, Suarez-Ruiz I, Pevida C, Rubiera F, Iglesias MJ
248 - 257 Indicative value of non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) and palynofacies for palaeoreconstructions: Holocene Peat, Brazil
Medeanic S, Silva MB
258 - 268 Sequence stratigraphy, organic petrology and chemistry applied to the upper and lower coal seams in the Candiota Coalfield, Parana Basin, RS, Brazil
de Oliveira JS, Kalkreuth W
269 - 275 Monitoring light hydrocarbons in Brazilian coal mines and in confined coal samples
Silva R, Pires M, Azevedo CMN, Fagundes L, Garavaglia L, Comes CJB
276 - 285 Geochemistry of coal-measure source rocks and natural gases in deep formations in Songliao Basin, NE China
Mi JK, Zhang SC, Hu GY, He K
286 - 292 Organic geochemistry and petrology of the Gomo Member, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil
Balbinot M, Kalkreuth W
293 - 300 Reactivity to CO2 of chars prepared in O-2/N-2 and O-2/CO2 mixtures for pulverized coal injection (PCI) in blast furnace in relation to char petrographic characteristics
Pohlmann JG, Osorio E, Vilela ACF, Borrego AG
301 - 310 The origin of natural gas in the Hutubi gas field, Southern Junggar Foreland Sub-basin, NW China
Hu GY, Zhang SC, Li J, Li JJ, Han ZX