2789 - 2803 |
Trajectory tracking control based on a virtual closed-loop system for autonomous underwater vehicles Liu X, Zhang MJ, Chen ZY |
2804 - 2813 |
Stackelberg game-based decentralised supply chain coordination considering both futures and spot markets Zou SL, Ma ZJ, Wang P, Liu XD |
2814 - 2823 |
Recomposable restricted finite state machines: definition and solution approaches Seok J, Girard A |
2824 - 2837 |
Finite-time synchronisation and passivity of coupled memristive neural networks Huang YL, Qiu SH, Ren SY |
2838 - 2847 |
Robust adaptive control for switched nonlinearly parameterised systems with dynamic uncertainties Long LJ |
2848 - 2858 |
Consensus of hybrid multi-agent systems with heterogeneous dynamics Zhao Q, Zheng YS, Zhu YR |
2859 - 2871 |
Disturbance observer-based elegant anti-disturbance saturation control for a class of stochastic systems Dong LW, Wei XJ, Hu X, Zhang HF, Han J |
2872 - 2885 |
A robust adaptive control design for the rotor speed control of variable speed wind turbines Bidikli B |
2886 - 2895 |
Robust stability and boundedness of stochastic differential equations with delay driven by G-Brownian motion Ren Y, Sakthivel R, Sun GZ |
2896 - 2907 |
An easy design for interval observers Meyer L, Ichalal D, Vigneron V |
2908 - 2921 |
Robust analysis of discrete time noises for stochastic systems and application in neural networks Feng LC, Cao JD, Liu L |
2922 - 2930 |
Output feedback stabilisation of parallel coupled string equations with matched boundary disturbance Ma TF, Jin FF |
2931 - 2940 |
Continuous finite-time regulation of Euler-Lagrange systems via energy shaping Cruz-Zavala E, Nuno E, Moreno JA |
2941 - 2948 |
Predefined-time stabilisation of a class of nonholonomic systems Sanchez-Torres JD, Defoort M, Munoz-Vazquez AJ |
2949 - 2959 |
Sampled-data observer design for delayed output-injection state-affine systems Cuny F, Lajouad R, Giri F, Ahmed-Ali T, Van Assche V |
2960 - 2972 |
Structurally variable control of Lurie systems Gruyitch LT, Bucevac ZM, Jovanovic RZ, Ribar ZB |
2973 - 2981 |
Cluster output regulation of heterogeneous multi-agent systems Chen KR, Wang JW, Zeng XX, Zhang Y, Lewis FL |
2982 - 2994 |
Optimal reinsurance and investment problem with default risk and bounded memory Deng C, Bian WL, Wu BY |
2995 - 3002 |
On the equivalence between the unbiased minimum-variance estimation and the infinity augmented Kalman filter Ding B, Zhang TP, Fang HJ |
3003 - 3015 |
On global trajectory tracking control of robot manipulators in cylindrical phase space Andreev A, Peregudova O |
3016 - 3025 |
Stability of square-mean almost automorphic mild solutions to impulsive stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion Hu LY, Ren Y, Sakthivel R |
3026 - 3049 |
Stability and convergence properties of forced infinite-dimensional discrete-time Lur'e systems Gilmore ME, Guiver C, Logemann H |