253 - 265 |
Adaptive tracking control for a class of stochastic switched systems Zhang H, Xia YQ |
266 - 284 |
Performance recovery of a class of uncertain non-affine systems with unmodelled dynamics: an indirect dynamic inversion method Yi BW, Lin SY, Yang B, Zhang WD |
285 - 296 |
PID position regulation in one-degree-of-freedom Euler-Lagrange systems actuated by a PMSM Verastegui-Galvan J, Hernandez-Guzman VM, Orrante-Sakanassi J |
297 - 319 |
Optimal robust control of nonlinear time-delay systems: Maintaining low operating errors during feedback outages Choi H, Hammer J |
320 - 336 |
Mixed H-2/H-infinity-based actuator selection for uncertain polytopic systems with regional pole placement Argha A, Su SW, Savkin A, Celler BG |
337 - 345 |
Adaptive inverse compensation for actuator backlash with piecewise time-varying parameters Lai GY, Wen CY, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Chen CLP, Xie SL |
346 - 358 |
MIMO H-infinity control of three-axis ship-mounted mobile antenna systems Kuseyri IS |
359 - 368 |
Robust model predictive control for constrained continuous-time nonlinear systems Sun TR, Pan YP, Zhang J, Yu HY |
369 - 382 |
A distributed model predictive control scheme for leader-follower multi-agent systems Franze G, Lucia W, Tedesco F |
383 - 399 |
Boundary stabilisation of the wave equation in the presence of singularities Alabau-Boussouira F, Ali-Ziane T, Arab F, Zair O |
400 - 410 |
Almost sure exponential stability of stochastic fluid networks with nonlinear control Zhu S, Chang WT, Liu D |
411 - 419 |
Approximation of optimal filter for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with quantised discrete-time observation Bania P, Baranowski J |
420 - 436 |
Passivity-based control of linear time-invariant systems modelled by bond graph Galindo R, Ngwompo RF |
437 - 452 |
On analysis and design of discrete-time constrained switched systems Souza M, Fioravanti AR, Shorten RN |
453 - 469 |
Computation of the target state and feedback controls for time optimal consensus in multi-agent systems Mulla AK, Patil DU, Chakraborty D |
470 - 479 |
Rendezvous with connectivity preservation for multi-robot systems with an unknown leader Dong Y |
480 - 494 |
Detection, isolation and diagnosability analysis of intermittent faults in stochastic systems Yan RY, He X, Wang ZD, Zhou DH |