715 - 716 |
Sideman,Samuel on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Bankoff SG, Goldstein RJ, Hartnett JP, Hewitt GF, Irvine TF, Leontiev AI, Mayinger F, Maron DM, Taitel Y, Wang BX, Zvirin Y |
717 - 725 |
Study of Flow-Field and Heat-Transfer by Forced-Convection in a Duct with Sinusoidal Walls Heated by a Heat-Flux of Constant Density Hassaine A, Daguenet M, Menguy G |
727 - 736 |
Theoretical-Study of Combined Conductive, Convective and Radiative Heat-Transfer Between Plates and Packed-Beds Lu JD, Flamant G, Variot B |
737 - 746 |
Models for the Heat Transfers During the Transformations Inside an Emulsion .1. Crystallizations of the Undercooled Droplets Dumas JP, Krichi M, Strub M, Zeraouli Y |
747 - 752 |
Models for the Heat Transfers During the Transformations Inside an Emulsion .2. Melting of the Crystallized Droplets Dumas JP, Zeraouli Y, Strub M, Krichi M |
753 - 762 |
A Heat-Pipe Transient Analysis Model Tournier JM, Elgenk MS |
763 - 769 |
Heat-Transfer by Nucleate Pool Boiling - General Correlation-Based on Thermodynamic Similarity Leiner W |
771 - 782 |
A Dynamic Thermal Insulator - Inducing Resonance Within a Fluid-Saturated Porous-Medium Enclosure Heated Periodically from the Side Antohe BV, Lage JL |
783 - 801 |
Experimental and Numerical-Analyses of the Natural-Convection of Water Through Its Density Maximum in a Rectangular Enclosure Mcdonough MW, Eaghri A |
803 - 818 |
Quenching Experiments with a Circular Test Section of Medium Thermal Capacity Under Forced-Convection of Water Huang XC, Bartsch G, Schroederrichter D |
819 - 828 |
A Study on Laminar-Film Boiling of Liquid Along Isothermal Vertical Plates in a Pool with Consideration of Variable Thermophysical Properties Shang DY, Wang BX, Zhong LC |
829 - 836 |
Convective Melting of Packed-Beds Plumb OA |
837 - 853 |
Modeling 3-Dimensional Solidification with Magnetic-Fields and Reduced Gravity Dulikravich GS, Ahuja V, Lee S |
855 - 864 |
Heat-Transfer from Polygonal Horizontal Isothermal Surfaces Lewandowski WM, Kubski P, Bieszk H |
865 - 875 |
An Approximate Equation for the Vapor-Side Heat-Transfer Coefficient for Condensation on Low-Finned Tubes Rose JW |
877 - 881 |
Boundary-Conditions of the 4th and 5th Species Degiovanni A, Batsale JC |
882 - 884 |
The Effect of Grid Size in Near-Wall K-Epsilon Calculations of Mass-Transfer Rates at High Schmidt Numbers Herrero J, Grau FX, Grifoll J, Giralt F |