
International Journal of Mineral Processing

International Journal of Mineral Processing, Vol.87, No.3-4 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0301-7516 (Print) 

In this Issue (9 articles)

73 - 82 Multivariate projection and analysis of microstructural characteristics of mechanically activated hematite in different grinding mills
Pourghahramani P, Palson B, Forssberg E
83 - 89 Mineralogical characterization of Ishiagu (Nigeria) complex sulphide ore
Olubambi PA, Ndlovu S, Potgieter JH, Borode JO
90 - 99 Using turbulent pipe flow to study the factors affecting polymer-bridging flocculation of mineral systems
Owen AT, Fawell PD, Swift JD, Labbett DM, Benn FA, Farrow JB
100 - 105 Estimation of degree of liberation in a coarse crushed product of cobalt-rich ferromanganese crust/nodules and its gravity separation
Ito M, Tsunekawa M, Yamaguchi E, Sekimura K, Kashiwaya K, Hori K, Hiroyoshi N
106 - 119 Modelling and optimization of hydrocyclone for iron ore fines beneficiation - using optical image analysis and iron ore texture classification
Donskoi E, Suthers SP, Campbell JJ, Raynlyn T
120 - 128 Kinetics of thermal decomposition of Hekimhan-Deveci siderite ore samples
Alkac D, Atalay U
129 - 133 Effect of reaction temperature on hydrothermal syntheses of potassium type zeolites from coal fly ash
Murayama N, Takahashi T, Shuku K, Lee HH, Shibata J
134 - 140 Influence of surfactant concentration on the ink removal selectivity in a laboratory flotation column
Beneventi D, Alfix J, Zeno E, Norder P
141 - 145 The specific selection function effect on clinker grinding efficiency in a dry batch ball mill
Touil D, Belaadi S, Frances C