1 - 12 |
Spray characteristics of a flash swirl spray ejected into an atmospheric pressure zone Kim WH, Yoon WS |
13 - 20 |
Pressure-swirl atomization: Modeling and experimental approaches Belhadef A, Vallet A, Amielh M, Anselmet F |
21 - 28 |
Modeling of droplet entrainment in co-current annular two-phase flow: A new approach Al-Sarkhi A, Sarica C, Qureshi B |
29 - 36 |
Droplet breakup and viscosity-stratified flows in microchannels Cubaud T, Jose BM, Darvishi S, Sun RP |
37 - 44 |
Breakup of a power-law liquid sheet formed by an impinging jet injector Yang LJ, Fu QF, Qu YY, Gu B, Zhang MZ |
45 - 54 |
Flow boiling heat transfer coefficients and pressure drop of FC-72 in microchannels Park CY, Jang Y, Kim B, Kim Y |
55 - 65 |
Local flow boiling heat transfer characteristics in silicon microchannel heat sinks using liquid crystal thermography Megahed A |
66 - 77 |
Condensation dynamics of submerged steam jet in subcooled water Hong SJ, Park GC, Cho S, Song CH |
78 - 87 |
Effects of surfactant on terminal velocity of a Taylor bubble in a vertical pipe Hayashi K, Tomiyama A |
88 - 104 |
A review on numerical studies of slug flow hydrodynamics and heat transfer in microtubes and microchannels Talimi V, Muzychka YS, Kocabiyik S |
105 - 120 |
Numerical calculation of pneumatic conveying in horizontal channels and pipes: Detailed analysis of conveying behaviour Lain S, Sommerfeld M |
121 - 134 |
Classification of bubbles in vertical gas-liquid flow: Part 1-An analysis of experimental data Qi FS, Yeoh GH, Cheung SCP, Tu JY, Krepper E, Lucas D |
135 - 147 |
Classification of bubbles in vertical gas-liquid flow: Part 2-A model evaluation Cheung SCP, Yeoh GH, Qi FS, Tu JY |
148 - 158 |
A hybrid continuum/PDF model for the prediction of dispersed particulate flow Lad B, Issa RI |
159 - 178 |
Hydrodynamic modeling of particle rotation in bubbling gas-fluidized beds Wang S, Hao ZH, Lu HL, Yang YC, Xu PF, Liu GD |
179 - 185 |
Apparent viscosity and settling velocity of suspensions of rigid monosized spheres in Stokes flow Blazejewski R |
186 - 192 |
Effect of mixing on frictional loss reduction by drag reducing polymer in annular horizontal two-phase flows Al-Sarkhi A |
193 - 204 |
Capillary force driven primary and secondary unidirectional flow of wetting liquid into porous medium Markicevic B, Hoff K, Li H, Zand AR, Navaz HK |
205 - 215 |
Shear driven two-phase flows in vertical cylindrical duct Gaponenko Y, Mialdun A, Shevtsova V |
216 - 226 |
Modeling free surface flows in presence of an arbitrary moving object Mirzaii I, Passandideh-Fard M |
227 - 239 |
Derivation of drag and lift force and torque coefficients for non-spherical particles in flows Zastawny M, Mallouppas G, Zhao F, van Wachem B |
240 - 244 |
In-line interaction between two spherical particles due to a laminar wake effect Baz-Rodriguez SA, Ramirez-Munoz J, Soria A |
245 - 248 |
The optimal profile of weirs for minimum static holdup Morison KR, Sellier M |