1 - 5 |
High intensity photoluminescence of microcrystalline CsPbBr3 films: Evidence for enhanced stimulated emission at room temperature Kondo S, Takahashi K, Nakanish T, Salto T, Asada H, Nakagawa H |
6 - 9 |
Effect of temperature and injection current on characteristics of TO-CAN packaged Fabry-Perot laser diode Han JH, Park SW |
10 - 12 |
Interface Mn nanoclusters in YMnO3/Si ferroelectric gate structures revealed by electron magnetic resonance Lee CH, Kim SH, Choi JY, Kim J |
13 - 17 |
Sorption kinetics of aqueous benzene for attached bacteria on sorbents Choi JW, Choi NC, Mahendran B, Kim DJ, Lee CE |
18 - 20 |
Influence of thickness and band structure of insulating barriers on resistance and tunneling magnetoresistance properties of magnetic tunnel junctions with Al-oxide and Ti-alloyed Al-oxide barriers Song JO, Lee SR, Shin HJ |
21 - 27 |
Electron magnetic resonance (EMR) in sonochemically prepared doped nano-manganites Shames AI, Rozenberg E, Gorodetsky G, Felner I, Sorninski E, Pang G, Gedanken A |
28 - 30 |
Proton-irradiation effect on the proton motion in TlH2PO4 Kim SH, Lee KW, Lee CE, Lee KS |
31 - 33 |
Low-frequency critical dynamics in (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)SnCl6 model biomembrane systems Lee KW, Lee CE, Choi JY, Kim J |
34 - 38 |
Dielectric relaxation in nanopillar NiFe-silicon structures in high magnetic fields Vasic R, Brooks JS, Jobiliong E, Aravamudhan S, Luongo K, Bhansali S |
39 - 41 |
Routes to the synthesis of carbon nanotube-polyacetylene composites by Ziegler-Natta polymerization of acetylene inside carbon nanotubes SteinmetZ J, Lee HJ, Kwon S, Lee DS, Goze-Bac C, Abou-Hamad E, Kim H, Park YW |
42 - 46 |
Effect of fluorination on electrical properties of single walled carbon nanotubes and C-60 peapods in networks Dettlaff-Weglikowska U, Skakalova V, Meyer J, Cech J, Mueller BG, Roth S |
47 - 50 |
Properties of thin manganite films grown on semiconducting substrates for spintronics applications Bergenti I, Dediu V, Cavallini M, Arisi E, Riminucci A, Taliani C |
51 - 59 |
Characterization on electron beam evaporated alpha-MoO3 thin films by the influence of substrate temperature Sivakumar R, Gopalakrishnan R, Jayachandran M, Sanjeeviraja C |
60 - 63 |
Electronic properties of carbon nanotube/fabric composites Hecht DS, Hu L, Gruner G |
64 - 67 |
Anatomy of Gossamer superconductivity Haas S, Maki K, Dahm T, Thalmeier P |
68 - 75 |
Electrical, thermal and spectroscopic studies of Te doped polyaniline Kazim S, Ali V, Zulfequar M, Haq MM, Husain M |
76 - 86 |
An electrochromic device (ECD) cell characterization on electron beam evaporated MoO3 films by intercalating/deintercalating the H+ ions Sivakumar R, Gopinath CS, Jayachandran M, Sanjeeviraja C |
87 - 91 |
Investigation of complex channel capacitance in C-60 field effect transistor and evaluation of the effect of grain boundaries Miyadera T, Nakayama M, Ikeda S, Salki K |
92 - 95 |
A CMOS bandgap reference voltage generator with reduced voltage variation and BJT area Cho SI, Jeong HG, Shin HK, Kim YH |
96 - 101 |
Synthesis, characterization and luminescence study of dimethyl[N-arylmethylenethiobenzahydrazonato]indium Shen YZ, Wang XY, Xu S, Li HL |
102 - 107 |
Analysis of blood proteins on protein arrays with a spectral surface plasmon resonance biosensor Yuk JS, Lee MJ, Kim UR, Ha KS |
108 - 111 |
Photoreactive titanium oxide layer prepared from a titanium naphthenate Kim BH, Jeon YS, Jeong JH, An JH, Jeon KO, Hwang KS |
112 - 112 |
Barium strontium titanate (Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3) ferroelectric films produced by electrophoretic deposition (vol 4, pg 385, 2004) Guo HL, Gao W, Yoo JY |