1 - 7 |
Physical Property Prediction Based on Molecular Simulation for Simple-Model Fluids Nakanishi K |
8 - 13 |
Computer-Simulation of Fluidized-Bed Granulation by a 2-Dimensional Random Coalescence Model Watano S, Fukushima T, Miyanami K |
14 - 18 |
Ultrafiltration of Reverse Micelles Containing Enzyme Nakamura K, Hakoda M |
19 - 24 |
Performance Evaluation for a Thermal Swing Honeycomb Rotor Adsorber Using a Humidity Chart Kodama A, Goto M, Hirose T, Kuma T |
25 - 30 |
Overpotential Distribution for Nominally Monopolar Fluidized-Bed Electrodes Lee JK, Chun HS, Shemilt LW |
31 - 37 |
Computer-Simulations for Adsorption of Benzene Diluted in Supercritical Carbon-Dioxide Nitta T, Yoneya J |
38 - 45 |
A Simple Way for the Improvement of Separation Selectivity of Hydrocarbons by O/W/O Emulsion Liquid Membrane Egashira R, Tanno H, Kato S, Kawasaki J |
46 - 52 |
PH-Sensitive Release from Poly(Acrylamide-Co-N,N’-Methylene Bisacrylamide) Microspheres Yoshizawa H, Mizuma Y, Uemura Y, Kawano Y, Hatate Y |
53 - 58 |
Utilization of Highly Improved Fly-Ash for SO2 Capture Alshawabkeh A, Matsuda H, Hasatani M |
59 - 65 |
Diffusion-Model Accompanied with Aqueous Homogeneous Reaction in Hollow-Fiber Membrane Extractor Yoshizuka K, Yasukawa R, Koba M, Inoue K |
66 - 70 |
Vapor-Liquid-Equilibria of Methyl Ethanoate with N-Butyl and Isobutyl Alcohol at 74.66-kPa and 127.99-kPa Susial P, Ortega J |
71 - 77 |
Profile Position Control of Complex Distillation Configurations Han M, Park S |
78 - 84 |
Preparation of Divinylbenzene Homopolymeric Microcapsules with Highly Porous Membranes by in-Situ Polymerization with Solvent Evaporation Yoshizawa H, Fujikubo K, Uemura Y, Kawano Y, Kondo K, Hatate Y |
85 - 90 |
Extraction and Separation of Molybdenum and Vanadium Using bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Monothiophosphoric Acid and bis(2-Ethylhexyl)Phosphoric Acid Hirai T, Hashimoto T, Tsuboi I, Hino A, Komasawa I |
91 - 96 |
Extraction of Cerium(III) by Polymer Gels Swollen with Bidentate Organophosphorus Compounds Takeshita K, Takashima Y, Matsumoto S, Yamanaka H |
97 - 102 |
Evaluation of Surface Net and Local Hydrophobicities During Acid-Induced and Salts-Induced Conformational Change of Cytochrome-C Using Aqueous 2-Phase Partition Systems Kuboi R, Kakinuki T, Komasawa I |
103 - 109 |
Separation of Amino-Acids by Electrodialysis with Ion-Exchange Membranes Kikuchi K, Gotoh T, Takahashi H, Higashino S, Dranoff JS |
110 - 114 |
Glassy, Liquid-Like, and Fractal Structures in Colloidal Aggregates Kim H, Rajagopalan R |
115 - 117 |
Application of Nonfoaming Bubble Separation to Enrichment of Dilute Dye Solution Suzuki A, Maruyama H, Seki H, Hayashi T |
118 - 121 |
Pi-Controller Tuning Using Modified Relay Feedback Method Kim YH |
122 - 124 |
Dependence of Reaction-Kinetics on Molecular-Weight in Hydrodenitrogenation of Shale Oil Jeong SY, Bunger JW, Suh JK, Lee JM |
125 - 128 |
Effect of Membrane-Properties of Microporous Hollow-Fiber Gas-Liquid Contactor on CO2 Removal from Thermal Power-Plant Flue-Gas Matsumoto H, Kitamura H, Kamata T, Ishibashi M, Ota H, Akutsu N |
128 - 130 |
Effect of Fluctuations in Height of Bubbling Layer on Gas Holdup in Bubble-Columns Yamashita F |