1 - 11 |
Elastic Anisotropy and Anchoring Effects on the Textures of Nematic Films with Random Planar Surface Alignment Chiccoli C, Pasini P, Zannoni C |
12 - 25 |
Critical Reexamination of Berreman's Theory on Surface Anchoring Fukuda J, Yoneya M, Yokoyama H |
26 - 31 |
Anchoring Strength Characteristics of Micro-Grating Structures Fabricated by Direct Laser Writing Miura Y, Yoshida H, Lee CH, Tokuoka K, Suzuki S, Fujii A, Ozaki M |
32 - 37 |
Liquid Crystal Material Dependence on Rubbed PVCi Alignment Properties Yamaguchi R, Sato S |
38 - 44 |
Uniform Alignment of Liquid Crystals Induced by Perfluoropolyether Film Exposed to Linearly Polarized Ultraviolet Light Usami K, Sugimura A, Samulski ET |
45 - 47 |
UV-Curable Liquid Crystal for a Retarder Hasebe H, Kuwana Y, Yamazaki O, Takeuchi K, Takatsu H |
48 - 52 |
Electrooptic Response of a Nematic Liquid Crystal Membrane with Water Boundary Uto S, Kawasaki T |
53 - 63 |
Computer Simulation of the Deuterium NMR Spectra Reflecting the Director Distribution for Multi-Domains in a Thin Nematic Cell Sugimura A, Hamasuna D, Ohgaki H, Usami K |
64 - 73 |
Uniaxial Order of Lattice Maier-Saupe Model in an External Field - Phase Diagram in Bethe Approximation Yamada T, Torikai M, Yamashita M |
74 - 80 |
Pressure Dependence of Phase Transition Behaviour in Nematic and Isotropic Phases for the Gay-Berne Discogens Satoh K |
81 - 90 |
On Discrete Soliton and Soliton Lattice at SmC alpha*-SmC Transition Driven by an Electric Field Sakai Y, Torikai M, Yamashita M |
91 - 98 |
Spontaneous Formation of Polar Liquid Crystal in Lyotropic Solution of Helical Poly(gamma-Benzyl Glutamate) Yen CC, Taguchi Y, Tokita M, Watanabe J |
99 - 106 |
Liquid Crystal Oligomers Exhibiting a Blue Phase Yoshizawa A |
IX - IX |
Foreword Koide N, Ikeda T, Yokoyama H, Ozaki M |
107 - 113 |
Relation between the Spontaneous Polarization and Alkyl Chain Length in Ferroelectric Switching of Columnar Liquid-Crystalline Ureas Kishikawa K, Nakahara S, Natsukawa M, Suzuki K, Kohmoto S |
114 - 121 |
Synthesis and Physical Properties of Ferrocene Derivatives (XXII): Monosubstituted Ferrocene Derivatives Containing Biphenyl Group in the Mesogenic One Nakamura N, Ishimizu M, Nishikawa M, Dogen N |
122 - 131 |
Synthesis and Physical Properties of Ferrocene Derivatives (XXIII): Phase Transition and Unique Molecular Structure of Monosubstituted Ferrocene Derivatives Nakamura N, Hiro K, Nishikawa M, Okabe T, Uno K |
132 - 143 |
Self-Assembled Structures of Liquid-Crystalline Oligopeptide Dimers Kamikawa Y, Fujimoto N, Donnio B, Guillon D, Kato T |
144 - 151 |
THz Wave Transmission Properties of LC Composite Membrane Films Ito R, Nose T, Ozaki M, Takeya K, Tonouchi M |
152 - 158 |
Integration and Characterization of LC/Polymer Gratings on Glass and Silicon Platform Donisi D, Asquini R, d'Alessandro A, Bellini B, Beccherelli R, De Sio L, Umeton C |
159 - 166 |
Lasing by Second-Order Bragg Diffraction in Dye-Doped POLIPHEM Gratings Vasnetsov MV, Slussarenko SS, Stumpe J, Sakhno O, Slussarenko SS, Abbate G |
167 - 173 |
Time-Evolution Equations for Particle Dispersions in Nematic Liquid Crystal Media Carlotto S, Polimeno A |
174 - 181 |
Photo-Induced Photonic Band Gap Shift of SiO2 Inverse Opal Films Infiltrated by Azo-Tolane Copolymer Shirota T, Moritsugu M, Kubo S, Ogata T, Nonaka T, Sato O, Kurihara S |
182 - 189 |
Electric Field Dependence of Lasing Wavelength in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal with an In-Plane Helix Alignment Inoue Y, Matsuhisa Y, Yoshida H, Ozaki R, Moritake H, Fujii A, Ozaki M |
190 - 196 |
Lasing Stability Enhancement in Dye Doped Cholesteric Liquid Crystals De Santo MP, Matranga MA, Ciuchi F, Petriashvili G, Barberi R |
197 - 201 |
Laser Emission from a Photopolymerized Cholesteric Blue Phase II Isomura T, Yoshida H, Fujii A, Ozaki M |
202 - 210 |
Simultaneous Characterization of Optical Turbidity, Specific Heat and Latent Heat of Liquid Crystals Nanocolloids Paoloni S, Mercuri F, Marinelli M, Zammit U, Scudieri F, Neamtu C, Dadarlat D |
211 - 227 |
A Highly Accurate Measurement of Liquid Crystal Material and Device Parameters Ishinabe T, Uchida T |
228 - 232 |
Effective Rotational Viscosity of Vertical Alignment Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells Iwata Y, Naito H, Ichinose H, Klasen-Memmer M, Tarumi K |
233 - 239 |
Real-Time Circular Dichroism Spectrograph Based on a Single Liquid Crystal Diffractive Element Mazzulla A, Provenzano C, Pagliusi P, Cipparrone G |
240 - 245 |
Fast Carrier Mobility in Smectic A Phase of a Liquid Crystalline Compound Containing an Imidazolium Salt Shimizu Y, Miyake Y, Fujii A, Ozaki M, Suisse JM, Douce L |
246 - 252 |
Charged Carrier Mobility Study in Col(h) Mesophase of Perfluoroalkylated Triphenylene Derivatives Miyake Y, Fujii A, Ozaki M, Shimizu Y |
253 - 259 |
Application of Random Texture in Cholesteric Liquid Crystal for Security Devices Nakayama K, Ohtsubo J |