7011 - 7019 |
Electron spin resonance matrix isolation studies of (AlO)-Al-27-O-16,17, (GaO)-Ga-69,71-O-16,17 and (InO)-In-115-O-16,17: Observed hyperfine interactions compared with ab initio theoretical results Knight LB, Kirk TJ, Herlong J, Kaup JG, Davidson ER |
7020 - 7024 |
Velocity modulated laser absorption spectroscopy of TiCl+ Kaledin LA, Heaven MC |
7025 - 7033 |
Detection of cyclic carbon clusters .2. Isotopic study of the nu(12)(e(u)) mode of cyclic C-8 in solid Ar Wang SL, Rittby CML, Graham WRM |
7034 - 7040 |
State-specific lifetime determination of the a (3)Pi state in CO Jongma RT, Berden G, Meijer G |
7041 - 7056 |
Laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy of Ar2HF at nu(HF)=3: An examination of three-body forces Chuang CC, Tsang SN, Hanson JG, Klemperer W, Chang HC |
7057 - 7066 |
Resonant Raman scattering in O-2 Simbotin I, Marinescu M, Sadeghpour HR, Dalgarno A |
7067 - 7084 |
Multiple quantum nuclear magnetic resonance in one-dimensional quantum spin chains Feldman EB, Lacelle S |
7085 - 7095 |
On the ground and electronically excited states of Na3O: Theory and experiment Hampe O, Koretsky GM, Gegenheimer M, Huber C, Kappes MM, Gauss J |
7096 - 7105 |
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of UF6 clustering in a supersonic Laval nozzle: Cluster configurations in supercooled and near-equilibrium states Tanimura S, Okada Y, Takeuchi K |
7106 - 7113 |
ZEKE spectroscopy with coherent vacuum ultraviolet radiation: The X-2 Sigma(+)(g) and A(2)Pi(u) states of N-2(+) in the 15.5 eV to 17.7 eV photon energy range Hepburn JW |
7114 - 7119 |
Theoretical interpretation of the electroabsorption spectra of polyacene crystals .1. Role of Frenkel states Slawik M, Petelenz P |
7120 - 7126 |
Radiation damping transfer in nuclear magnetic resonance experiments via chemical exchange Chen JH, Mao XA |
7127 - 7137 |
Theory of coherent Raman scattering with quasi-cw noisy light for a general line shape function Ulness DJ, Kirkwood JC, Stimson MJ, Albrecht AC |
7138 - 7147 |
Aligning symmetric and asymmetric top molecules via single photon excitation Weida MJ, Parmenter CS |
7148 - 7162 |
Adiabatic and diabatic potential-energy surfaces of the CN(X-2 Sigma(+),A(2)Pi)Ne complex and nonadiabatic predissociation dynamics Yang MB, Alexander MH |
7163 - 7178 |
Spectroscopy and nonadiabatic predissociation of CN-Ne Lawrence WG, Chen YL, Heaven MC |
7179 - 7186 |
The ammonia dimer spectrum in cold helium clusters Behrens M, Buck U, Frochtenicht R, Hartmann M, Havenith M |
7187 - 7193 |
Photoelectron imaging spectroscopy for (2+1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of atomic iodine produced from A-band photolysis of CH3I Jung YJ, Kim YS, Kang WK, Jung KH |
7194 - 7201 |
Thermal rate constant calculation using flux-flux autocorrelation functions: Application to Cl+H-2->HCl+H reaction Wang HB, Thompson WH, Miller WH |
7202 - 7208 |
Infrared multiphoton dissociation of two perfluorobutenes Longfellow CA, Berrie CL, Suits AG, Lee YT |
7209 - 7213 |
A semiclassical model of the angular distribution of the photofragments of predissociating molecules Liyanage R, Gordon RJ |
7214 - 7222 |
Structural changes during stress relaxation in simple liquids Picu RC, Weiner JH |
7223 - 7229 |
Distributions of rovibrational states of secondary product NO X-2 Pi from photodissociation of nitric acid at 193 nm Leu GH, Chen IC |
7230 - 7241 |
A laser photofragmentation time-of-flight mass spectrometric study of acetophenone at 193 and 248 nm Zhao HQ, Cheung YS, Liao CL, Liao CX, Ng CY, Li WK |
7242 - 7251 |
The reaction volume Hamiltonian model: Further development and application Koch A, Billing GD |
7252 - 7259 |
Photochemistry of hydrogen peroxide in solid argon Khriachtchev L, Pettersson M, Tuominen S, Rasanen M |
7260 - 7265 |
Total differential cross sections and differential energy loss spectra for He-C2H2 from an ab initio potential Heijman TGA, Moszynski R, Wormer PES, vanderAvoird A, Buck U, Ettischer I, Krohne R |
7266 - 7274 |
Understanding the activation energy trends for the C2H4+OH->C2H4OH reaction by using canonical variational transition state theory Villa J, GonzalezLafont A, Lluch JM, Corchado JC, EspinosaGarcia J |
7275 - 7277 |
Pure translation instantaneous normal modes: Imaginary frequency contributions vanish at the glass transition in CS2 Li WX, Keyes T |
7278 - 7281 |
Predissociation of H-2 in the Rydberg states Gao H |
7282 - 7295 |
Photodissociation of ozone in the Chappuis band .1. Electronic structure calculations Woywod C, Stengle M, Domcke W, Flothmann H, Schinke R |
7296 - 7313 |
Photodissociation of ozone in the Chappuis band .2. Time-dependent wave-packet calculations and interpretation of diffuse vibrational structures Flothmann H, Beck C, Schinke R, Woywod C, Domcke W |
7314 - 7322 |
Time correlation functions for mixed quantum-semiclassical systems McWhirter JL |
7323 - 7330 |
Ab initio studies on the structures, vertical electron detachment energies, and stabilities of CnP- clusters Zhan CG, Iwata S |
7331 - 7344 |
Effect of length and geometry on the highest occupied molecular orbital lowest unoccupied molecular orbital gap of conjugated oligomers: An analytical Huckel model approach Onipko A, Klymenko Y, Malysheva L |
7345 - 7349 |
The nature of metal-oxide chemical bond: Electronic structure of PdMgO and PdOMg molecules Lopez N, Illas F |
7350 - 7359 |
The current in magnetic field density functional theory and its application to the chemical shielding and magnetic susceptibility Salsbury FR, Harris RA |
7360 - 7370 |
The potential distribution-based closures to the integral equations for liquid structure: The Lennard-Jones fluid Lee LL |
7371 - 7382 |
Constrained free-energy functional of deformed polymer systems Sun T, Balazs AC, Jasnow D |
7383 - 7396 |
Thermodynamic variables in the context of a nonequilibrium statistical ensemble approach Luzzi R, Vasconcellos AR, Jou D, CasasVazquez J |
7397 - 7401 |
Dynamic behavior of the monomer-monomer surface reaction model with adsorbate interactions Voigt CA, Ziff RM |
7402 - 7408 |
Conceptual and technical improvement of the reverse Monte Carlo algorithm Toth G, Baranyai A |
7409 - 7417 |
Higher-order perturbation theory for the thermodynamic properties of a solid with a truncated potential energy expansion Shukla RC, Lacks DJ |
7418 - 7427 |
A quasioscillatory collisional model for two-dimensional soft disk fluids Noro MG, Kivelson D, Tarjus G |
7428 - 7432 |
Quantum effects and the excess proton in water Pavese M, Chawla S, Lu DS, Lobaugh J, Voth GA |
7433 - 7442 |
Orientational correlation in liquid and amorphous carbon tetrachloride: A reverse Monte Carlo study Jedlovszky P |
7443 - 7450 |
Equation of state of supercooled water simulated using the extended simple point charge intermolecular potential Harrington S, Poole PH, Sciortino F, Stanley HE |
7451 - 7458 |
Comparison of aggregation of rodlike and spherical particles: A fractal analysis Vincze A, Fata R, Zrinyi M, Horvolgyi Z, Kertesz J |
7459 - 7466 |
Adsorption and reactions of NO on NiAl(111) at 75 K Schmitz G, Bartolucci F, Gassmann P, Masuch J, Franchy R |
7467 - 7471 |
A modified bubble model for positronium atoms in liquids Mukherjee T, Ganguly BN, DuttaRoy B |
7472 - 7476 |
Shear-induced dimerization Evans GT |
7477 - 7482 |
The coil-globule transition of polymers of long rigid monomers connected by flexible spacers Sear RP |
7483 - 7492 |
Computer simulation studies of anisotropic systems .27. The direct pair correlation function of the Gay-Berne discotic nematic and estimates of its elastic constants Stelzer J, Bates MA, Longa L, Luckhurst GR |
7493 - 7501 |
Surface viscoelastic relaxation on aqueous solutions of tetrahydrofuran Sharpe D, Earnshaw JC |
7502 - 7511 |
On the conformation of non-adsorbing polymers in colloidal suspensions Haronska P, Vilgis TA |
7512 - 7529 |
A coarse-grained,''realistic'' model for protein folding Bruscolini P |
7530 - 7536 |
Simulation study of polymer chain geometry in a one-dimensional periodic potential Goulding DJ, Teixeira PIC |
7537 - 7542 |
An embedding approach for the calculation of STM images: Method development and application to galena (PbS) Becker U, Greatbanks SP, Rosso KM, Hillier IH, Vaughan DJ |
7543 - 7558 |
Hydrogen chemisorption and thermal desorption on the diamond C(111) surface Su C, Song KJ, Wang YL, Lu HL, Chuang TJ, Lin JC |
7559 - 7570 |
Computer simulations of asymmetric block copolymers Hoffmann A, Sommer JU, Blumen A |
7571 - 7576 |
Dynamics of unbinding of polymers in a random medium Bhattacharjee SM, Baumgartner A |
7577 - 7581 |
The effects of different substrates on the electron stimulated desorption dynamics of O- from physisorbed O-2 Hedhili MN, Parenteau L, Huels MA, Azria R, Tronc M, Sanche L |