115 - 127 |
Enhancement in mineralization of some natural refractory organic compounds by ozonation-aerobic biodegradation Saroj DP, Kumar A, Bose P, Tare V |
128 - 135 |
Performance of the hydrolyzation film bed and biological aerated filter (HFB-BAF) combined system for the treatment of low-concentration domestic sewage in south China Ling X, Hu YY, Wu CD, Hu GP |
136 - 145 |
Synthesis of silk sericin peptides-L-asparaginase bioconjugates and their characterization Zhang YQ, Tao ML, Shen WD, Mao JP, Chen YH |
146 - 151 |
Coupling ultraviolet photolysis and bilofiltration for enhanced degradation of aromatic air pollutants Mohseni M, Zhao JL |
152 - 157 |
Comparison of different procedures for the detoxification of eucalyptus hemicellulosic hydrolysate for use in fermentative processes Carvalho GBM, Mussatto SI, Candido EJ, Silva JBAE |
158 - 166 |
Decolourisation of dyes and dyehouse eff luent in a bubble-column reactor by ozonation in the presence of H2O2, KMnO4 or Ferral Hassan MM, Hawkyard CJ, Barratt PA |
167 - 172 |
Extraction of essential oil from geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) with supercritical carbon dioxide Peterson A, Machmudah S, Roy BC, Goto M, Sasaki M, Hirose T |
173 - 181 |
A simple model for simultaneous methanogenic-denitrification systems Garibay-Orijel C, Ahring BK, Rinderknecht-Seijas N, Poggi-Varaldo HM |
182 - 188 |
Improved cultivation conditions for polysaccharide production by H-influenzae type b Takagi M, Cabrera-Crespo J, Zangirolami TC, Raw I, Tanizaki MM |
189 - 195 |
A novel method to prepare chitosan powder and its application in cellulase immobilization Mao XP, Guo GJ, Huang JF, Du ZY, Huang ZS, Ma L, Li P, Gu LQ |
196 - 200 |
Kraft pulping of Drimys winteri wood chips biotreated with Ganoderma australe Franco H, Freer J, Rodriguez J, Baeza J, Elissetche JP, Mendonca R |
201 - 207 |
Decolourisation of dyes and dyehouse effluent in a bubble-column reactor by heterogeneous catalytic ozonation Hassan MM, Hawkyard CJ |
208 - 215 |
Comparison of the surface and catalytic properties of rare earth-promoted CaO catalysts in the oxidative coupling of methane Rane WH, Chaudhari ST, Choudhary VR |
216 - 224 |
Assessment of naphthalene biodegradation efficiency of Pseudomonas and Burkholderia strains tested in soil model systems Filonov AE, Puntus IF, Karpov AV, Kosheleva IA, Akhmetov LI, Yonge DR, Petersen JN, Boronin AM |
225 - 232 |
Biological and electrochemical oxidation of naphthalenesulfonates Panizza M, Zolezzi M, Nicolella C |
233 - 236 |
Application of tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine as a coupling agent for beta-galactosidase immobilized on chitosan to produce galactooligosaccharides Cheng TC, Duan KJ, Sheu DC |