
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol.582, No.1-2 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 1572-6657 (Print) 

In this Issue (30 articles)

1 - 3 Special issue - In honour of Ron Fawcett on the occasion of his 65th birthday - Preface
Lipkowski J
16 - 20 On a conjecture of Fawcett
Henderson D, Boda D
21 - 27 On isohydric solutions and buffer pH
de Levie R
28 - 40 Understanding the anatomy of capacitance at interfaces between two immiscible electrolytic solutions
Monroe CW, Urbakh M, Kornyshev AA
41 - 49 Anomalous temperature dependence of differential capacity at an uncharged interface with Debye-Huckel electrolyte: Field theoretical approach
di Caprio D, Stafiej J, Borkowska Z
50 - 56 A molecular dynamics modelling of cation hydrolysis effects
Holovko M, Druchok M, Bryk T
57 - 63 Ion-pairing kinetics investigated using nanometer-size Pt electrodes
Watkins JJ, White HS
64 - 68 On the surface properties of lead structures on Au(111), an atom dynamic approach
Mariscal M, Schmickler W
69 - 75 Voltammetry and impedance measurements of Ir(111) electrodes in aqueous solutions
Pajkossy T, Kibler LA, Kolb DM
76 - 84 Determination of the Gibbs excess of H adsorbed at a Pt(111) electrode surface in the presence of co-adsorbed chloride
Garcia-Araez N, Climent V, Herrero E, Feliu JM, Lipkowski J
85 - 96 Impedance of porous gold electrodes in the presence of electroactive species
Jurczakowski R, Hitz C, Lasia A
97 - 108 Effect of the metal nature on the n-butanol adsorption in the absence of the metal-water chemisorption interaction
Emets VV, Damaskin BB
109 - 117 The electrode reactions of several Pb(II)-macrocyclic complexes and their adsorption on mercury electrodes
Lobacz M, Stroka J, Galus Z
118 - 129 Exploring the molecular features of cationic catalysis phenomenon: Peroxodisulfate reduction at a mercury electrode
Nazmutdinov RR, Glukhov DV, Tsirlina GA, Petrii OA
130 - 143 The kinetics of electroreduction of peroxodisulfate ions on single crystal cadmium and bismuth electrodes
Thomberg T, Nerut J, Jager R, Moller P, Lust K, Lust E
144 - 150 Chronocoulometric studies of the kinetics of the electro-reduction of Eu3+ in dimethylsulfoxide: Experiment and simulation
Orlik M, Gritzner G
151 - 155 Comparative studies of the reduction of 2-naphthaldehyde, 9,9'-spirobi-(9H-fluorene)-2-carboxaldehyde and 2-fluorenecarboxaldehyde in nonaqueous solvents
Van Kirk C, Fioravanti G, Mattiello L, Rampazzo LB, Macias-Ruvalcaba NA, Evans DH
156 - 164 Decomposition reactions of bifenox anion radical involving intramolecular electron transfer
Hromadova M, Morkovska P, Pospisil L, Giannarelli S
165 - 170 Anisole as a solvent for organic electrochemistry
Jaworski JS, Cembor M, Orlik M
171 - 178 Solvent influence on the electrochemical reduction of photochemically generated cis-azobenzene
Grampp G, Muresanu C, Landgraf S
179 - 190 Electrochemical formation and electron transfer through self-assembled monolayers of 4-mercaptophenol on mercury
Ramirez P, Andreu R, Calvente JJ, Calzado CJ, Lopez-Perez G
191 - 201 Molecular layers of hydroxamic acids in copper corrosion inhibition
Telegdi J, Rigo T, Kalman E
202 - 208 Characterisation of biphasic electrodes based on the liquid N,N-didodecyl-N' N'-diethylphenylenediamine redox system immobilised on porous hydrophobic silicates and immersed in aqueous media
Shul G, McKenzie KJ, Niedziolka J, Rozniecka E, Palys B, Marken F, Hayman CM, Buckley BR, Page PCB, Opallo M
209 - 220 Implications of layer-by-layer electrodeposition of polypyrrole from a solution of the same composition for ion transport in the polymer electrode
Kepas A, Grzeszczuk M
221 - 229 Oxide layers developed on copper solutions containing electrodes in Cu(II) ligands
Survila A, Surviliene A, Kanapeckaite S, Budiene J, Kalinauskas P, Stalnionis G, Sudavicius A
230 - 240 Influence of adsorption processes on the CO2 electroreduction: An electrochemical mass spectrometry study
Dube P, Brisard GM
241 - 248 The electrochemical reduction of hydrogen peroxide on uranium dioxide electrodes in alkaline solution
Goldik JS, Noel JJ, Shoesmith DW
249 - 257 Electrochemical aspects of some specific features connected with the behavior of iron group metals in aqueous perchloric acid/perchlorate media
Lang G, Inzelt G, Vrabecz A, Horanyi G
258 - 266 Identification of current nature by elimination voltammetry with linear scan
Trnkova L
267 - 273 Diffusion, interactions and universal behavior in a corrosion growth model
Saunier J, Dymitrowska M, Chausse A, Stafiej J, Badiali JP