
Journal of Food Engineering

Journal of Food Engineering, Vol.94, No.3-4 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0260-8774 (Print) 

In this Issue (27 articles)

205 - 214 Calculation of apparent diffusion coefficients of aroma compounds in dairy emulsions based on fat content and physicochemical properties in each phase
Deleris I, Zouid I, Souchon I, Trelea IC
215 - 221 Water sorption and glass transition temperature of spray dried acai (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) juice
Tonon RV, Baroni AF, Brabet C, Gibert O, Pallet D, Hubinger MD
222 - 226 A study of the relationship between the mechanical properties and the sensorial optimal cooking time of spaghetti
Chillo S, Iannetti M, Civica V, Suriano N, Mastromatteo M, Del Nobile MA
227 - 232 The effect of moisture content and compaction on the strength and arch formation of wheat flour in a model bin
Guan W, Zhang Q
233 - 240 Reliability and maintainability analysis of cheese (feta) production line in a Greek medium-size company: A case study
Tsarouhas PH, Arvanitoyannis IS, Varzakas TH
241 - 247 Influence of different hydrocolloids on major wheat dough components (gluten and starch)
Barcenas ME, De la O-Keller J, Rosell CM
248 - 253 Effects of Pseudomonas syringae as bacterial ice nucleator on freezing of model food
Zhang SZ, Wang HY, Chen GM
254 - 259 Effect of fat content and storage time on the rheological properties of Dutch-type cheese
Sadowska J, Bialobrzewski I, Jelinski T, Markowski M
260 - 266 Technique potential for classification of honey by electronic tongue
Wei ZB, Wang J, Liao WY
267 - 273 Non-destructive measurement of firmness and soluble solids content in bell pepper using NIR spectroscopy
Penchaiya P, Bobelyn E, Verlinden BE, Nicolai BM, Saeys W
274 - 282 Surface dilatational properties of whey protein and hydroxypropyl-methyl-cellulose mixed systems at the air-water interface
Perez OE, Sanchez CC, Pilosof AMR, Patino JMR
283 - 289 X-ray computed tomography to study processed meat microstructure
Frisullo P, Laverse J, Marino R, Del Nobile MA
290 - 294 Influence of methylcellulose on dynamic rheology of dilute wheat gliadin solution in 50% (v/v) aqueous propanol
Song YH, Jianrui C, Zheng Q
295 - 299 Assessment of starch gelatinization by ultrasonic and calorimetric techniques
Aparicio C, Resa P, Elvira L, Molina-Garcia AD, Martino M, Sanz PD
300 - 306 A modified cyclone stickiness test for characterizing food powders
Intipunya P, Shrestha A, Howes T, Bhandari B
307 - 315 Kinetic models for alkali and detergent cleaning of ceramic tubular membrane fouled with whey proteins
Popovic SS, Tekic MN, Djuric MS
316 - 320 Manufacture of food grade kappa-carrageenan microspheres
Ellis A, Jacquier JC
321 - 325 Modeling of rice hydration using finite elements
Bakalis S, Kyritsi A, Karathanos VT, Yanniotis S
326 - 333 Effect of carrier agents on the physicochemical properties of a spray dried chicken meat protein hydrolysate
Kurozawa LE, Park KJ, Hubinger MD
334 - 343 Simplified algorithm for the prediction of water sorption isotherms of fruits, vegetables and legumes based upon chemical composition
Moreira R, Chenlo F, Torres MD
344 - 349 Convection and radiation combined surface heat transfer coefficient in baking ovens
Sakin M, Kaymak-Ertekin F, Ilicali C
350 - 357 Hen's eggshell strength under impact loading
Nedomova S, Trnka J, Dvorakova P, Buchar J, Severa L
358 - 365 Fast feature selection algorithm for poultry skin tumor detection in hyperspectral data
Nakariyakul S, Casasent DP
366 - 371 Bread crust thickness measurement using digital imaging and L a b colour system
Jusoh YMM, Chin NL, Yusof YA, Rahman RA
372 - 378 Suitability of novel galactomannans as edible coatings for tropical fruits
Cerqueira MA, Lima AM, Teixeira JA, Moreira RA, Vicente AA
379 - 389 Microwave sensing for an objective evaluation of meat ageing
Clerjon S, Damez JL
390 - 394 Reducing of fat uptake in cassava product during deep-fat frying
Freitas DDC, Berbari SAG, Prati P, Fakhouri FM, Queiroz FPC, Vicente E